A Stroll Through the Forest

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Cedric clung on for dear life as Taurus charged after the horde of Peregrins. It was now that he was starting to regret coming into the forest with Harry and the others 'I think I'm going to be sick...' he thought to himself as he nearly fell off.

Harry who was laughing maniacally grabbed Cedric before he could fall off "This... isn't... funny!!!" Cedric shouted through the loud sounds of Taurus sprinting through the forest. "Come on Cedric we are getting closer!" Harry shouted as he pulled him back up next to him. Harry started to crouch up on Taurus and look ahead where the horde of Peregrins was travelling; they could tell they were getting closer to Hannah and Susan because they could hear the first girl still screaming as she clung onto a Peregrin's neck.

Flying above the Horde was Tonks who was as in her bird form, though she seemed to be having trouble getting close to the girls. "Come on Cedric, let's go!" Harry said as he dragged him up from Taurus onto his knees.

"What the bloody hell are you doing!" Cedric shouted, as he nearly lost his balance once again. "The horde might scatter if Taurus runs through it, so we need to jump," he explained.

"Jump!? You're bloody bonkers!!!" Cedric shouted back holding tightly onto Harry's arm.

"It'll be fine, you can use magic enhancement can't you?!" Harry shouted back.

"A little bit, we haven't actually learnt it yet," Cedric replied.

"See? No problem!" He said before channelling magic to his legs and leaping off Taurus' back onto the closest Peregrin; the massive creature squawked and almost buckled at the new weight on its back but managed to maintain its speed.

"Harry what the hell are you doing!"

Harry looked up to where the sound of the voice came from and only saw a bird "Tonks!?" Harry shouted.

"I told you and Cedric to stay where you were!" The Bird-Tonks shouted back.

"That was boring!" Harry shouted back as he stood up on the Peregrin and jumped to the one in front. Cedric who was still on Taurus was having a much more difficult time channelling his magic to have a physical effect on his body; magical enhancement is a third-year elective that students can take where they can better learn this ability —Though Cedric had yet to take his first lesson. However, Cedric managed to do it and he leapt off Taurus' back and onto a Peregrin.

'This is crazy!' He thought to himself, but he had to admit that it was exhilarating doing this; he had never even come close to doing something so exciting.

"Cedric I thought you would've been the smart one!" Tonks shouted at the boy.

Cedric looked up and scowled at Tonks "I do not want to hear that from YOU!" He shouted at her. She was a prefect and yet she was one of the main instigators of their little trip into the forest.

'Did she just roll her eyes at me...' Cedric couldn't tell cause of her current form but it looked like she did.

"STOP TALKING AND SAVE US ALREADY!!!" Hannah shouted from further up in the horde.

"I'm coming!" Harry shouted as he stood up and started leaping from creature to creature with Cedric doing the same —albeit more slowly. Tonks flew ahead trying to get as close as she could to the girls before she changed back to her normal form.


Tonks barely moved in time as a large-scaled Raven-type bird flew in from overhead, it looked to be twice the size of a Peregrin —so quite big. "Guys watch out there's a Ravyn!" Tonks shouted to the rest of them.

"Is that bad!?" Harry asked as he looked at the large scaled flying bird that closely resembled a Raven.

"What about that looks good!" Cedric shouted back from a few rows behind him.

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