Just Having Fun

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Harry stalked the three Gryffindors who were harassing Hermione, they wandered around listlessly together, they only walked together because they knew no one else could stand to be close to them; they even kept a healthy distance away from each other. Ron was in the middle, on his left was Seamus Finnigan, and on his right was a boy called Dean Thomas. Harry was pretty annoyed he had to deal with this situation, especially considering what they had tried to do to Hermione, but he didn't wanna get in trouble if they killed themselves so he would have to reduce the strength of the revulsion rune and remove the effects that still cling to them.

Shooting three stunning charms at them while they were in an unused corridor he strolled up to them. "Such a mess eh boys?" He said rhetorically as he knelt next to them. He pulled open Seamus' sleeves saw various self-inflicted wounds and sighed again.

'Do you think it was wise to do such a thing to them?'

Harry frowned at the familiar voice ringing inside of his head 'Merlin?' He called out.

'Indeed I am,' he replied.

Harry almost slumped forward 'You've been able to do this the entire time?'

'Yes,' he replied.

'Why haven't you before then?' Harry asked.

'Haven't had much to say,' he replied in the most Dumbledore answer he had ever heard.

Harry ignored it and continued to lessen the strength of the rune when he was interrupted again 'Do you not think they have learned their lesson, wouldn't it be kinder to lift the rune entirely?" Merlin asked as he worked.

'If they had learnt their lesson the rune wouldn't keep getting applied,' Harry replied.

'If there is a lesson to learn then perhaps a teacher needs to give it, you dished out a punishment without telling them what it was for,' Merlin said sagely.

Harry snickered 'Don't try and force your way into a woman's room, seems like a pretty standard lesson to me,' he said before standing up again, he had reduced the strength of the rune so they would now hopefully stop cutting themselves and would not try to commit suicide. 'A few months in and I'm already dealing with annoying stuff like this,' he said with a huff before stepping on their bodies and leaving them in the corridor.

'I've noticed you've not been training Harry, you should be close to mastering your connection with Aries by now and yet it's remained the same,' Merlin said sternly.

Harry shrugged 'I have all the time in the world to do that I don't need to focus so much on studying when I'm barely two months in,' he replied, not at all interested in the kind of intense training he was suggesting. Even the sessions with Bellatrix were a drag, he just wanted to learn magic at his own pace and do fun things with his friend, but that wasn't so much to ask for.

'You can't be so idle Harry, the world you live in is a dangerous and most terrible one, you need to be ready,' Merlin tried to advise.

"Jeez you sound like Dumbledore," Harry said rolling his eyes. He then took the red stone he was given out of his pocket and began throwing it up in the air as he looked at it. It was incredible, such a dense piece of magic confined to a single stone, of course, he knew that because he had looked at it with his six eyes. Whoever had created it was a genius, what he didn't understand was why Dumbledore had given it to him. He had tried to look at the stone and gain this 'vision of how things really are' but he didn't, it was just a stone that held a lot of magic within.

'I urge you to reconsider,' Merlin said before going silent.

Harry didn't get why he was being pressured this much, he was already pretty talented and strong. If anything Dumbledore should be pressuring the weaker ones to try harder, why does he need to while the others have fun and relax. Harry sighed before putting his wand away and heading back to the hall for dinner, potions had been an interesting class, at first, he wasn't sure if he'd go back but he decided he might give it a chance. As he walked to the hall he felt someone grab his shoulder, he turned around and saw Tonks who had a catlike grin on her face "A little someone told me that Harrykins had a date," she said as her smile spread even wider.

Magic, Curses and Gods Amongst Men || Harry Potter x Jujutsu Kaisen FicWhere stories live. Discover now