Forbidden Forest

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Just after the Welcoming Feast and the sorting ceremony Dumbledore quickly retired to his office in order to avoid his stern deputy. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to avoid her as she quickly changed into her animagus form and chased after him; they were now in his office where Minerva was giving him a stern expression while Dumbledore sat in his seat.

"Albus please you must do something, for years I have been telling you that things have been getting worse and yet you have not listened, but today you see for yourself, the ghosts are not what they used to be, they remember less and less, something must be done," Minerva McGonagall said as she stood in Albus Dumbledores office.

Albus looked quite professional as he sat behind his desk in his robes looking as serious as a Headmaster should. However, that illusion was quickly shattered as he reached into his drawer and pulled out a bowl of hard sweets "Would you like one?" He asked.

"Albus!" She shouted.

"Minerva you must relax, when's the last time you took a break from working," he asked with a grandfatherly smile.

"The same time you last started doing your work!" She replied sharply making his smile disappear.

Minerva then sighed and sat down "Albus the ghosts are becoming a problem... we lost control of Ser Gregory on the seventh floor," she informed him, luckily it had taken place when most of the students were back home for summer.

Dumbledore sighed "Was anyone hurt, what grade did he become?" He asked.

"A first grade, me and Fillius were able to deal with it, but I have a feeling it will not be an isolated incident," she replied.

Dumbledore stood up after popping a hard candy into his mouth "I'm afraid there is nothing we can do Minerva, the balance of this world shifted years ago."

"When Harry Potter was born?" Minerva asked.

"Indeed, his birth shifted the fight in our favour, but the world needs balance and so curses will grow stronger and more special grades and first grade will start to appear, there is simply nothing we can do," Dumbledore said with slight regret.

"The runes that were made to passive the cursed spirits and turn them into ghosts were made a thousand years ago, the best we can do is try and decipher how they were used and how we can create an improved version," Dumbledore suggested.

Minerva seemed to be satisfied with this as she nodded her head "And what of the Stone, you've taken quite the risk bringing it here," she said.

Dumbledore turned and smiled at her "I won't be around forever Minerva, I'm getting old and I fear that young Harry will need to replace me sooner than I'd like, and for that, he must be ready."


Harry felt great as he walked with his house back towards their common room where they would be shown to their dorm rooms. He had been able to eat as much food as he liked which didn't happen too often at the Dursleys as they ate at a speed that even his eyes had trouble keeping up with.

"So are any of you interested?" Harry asked with a mischievous smile on his face. Before the feast ended they were told that the Forbidden Forest was out of bounds for students; as soon as Dumbledore had uttered those words Harry knew he'd be going there, it sounded too interesting not to.

"Interested in what?" Hannah asked with a little confusion.

"Going to the Forbidden Forest obviously," He replied.

"Did you not hear the headmaster? We aren't allowed," Hannah said emphasising the last part.

'I want to go with him,' Susan thought to herself as she walked next to the two of them. She found it rather difficult to make conversation with people —even with Hannah who had been her friend for years. She thought the Forbidden Forest sounded cool and that there might be all manner of creatures in there that she'd read about in her Harry Potter storybooks.

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