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(Nurmengard Castle)


Creedence Barebone or as he preferred to go by Aurelius Dumbledore apparated back to the Hallows base of operation as he had just finished the task delegated to him to watch Harry Potter, there were many opportunities to take him but he was ordered to do nothing but watch. He knew he was being punished, because of his failure in Diagon Alley he wasn't as trusted as he was before, but what was he supposed to do when Dumbledore showed up, none of them stood a chance against the Headmaster of Hogwarts.

As Aurelius walked through the courtyard of the bleak castle he pulled up the collar of his coat as he shivered in the cold wind, no matter what time of year it was this castle was cold, no amount of heating runes could change it, many among their ranks had theories regarding it but Aurelius saw them as ridiculous. He snickered in amusement as he remembered one of the new recruits stating that this castle was stepped so much in death that it's halfway between this world and the next, while the first half of that statement was certainly true the other was mere poppycock.

"You're late Creedence."

Aurelius ignored the man who walked in step with him, but it didn't seem to stop him as he continued walking with him.

"You continue to disappoint him you know."

"He had such high hopes for you, a secret Dumbledore with powerful magic and yet look at what you became... nothing."

Aurelius continued to walk across the courtyard ignoring the man's words as he did but they did start to grate on him as they usually did and his magic started to flare around him as his anger bubbled beneath the surface.

"You are a mistake, why did you even bother returning, your weakness has gotten many loyal followers killed!"

"SHUT UP!" Aurelius shouted as he withdrew his wand from his sleeve sending an overpowered banishing spell at the man, however said man just smirked and a barrier formed around him absorbing the spell, he then unholstered his own wand before a crimson red spell started forming on the tip.

"Enough Abernathy!" A voice called out from the entrance to the main keep. Vinda Rosier stepped out her heels clacking against the stone of the courtyard.

"Stop behaving like children you're both old men," she said as she got between both men.

"I was just reminding the mistake of his place in our ranks," Abernathy said with a malevolent grin.

Aurelius tightened his grip around his wand as a much more malicious spell formed on its tip "Enough! You are both late and you know how he doesn't appreciate lateness," She stated which sobered up both men, with a smirk still on his face Abernathy let his wand fall back into his sleeve while Aurelius did the same. Both men along with Vinda walked into the castle and walked up the stairs finally approaching the top floor, Vinda knocked on the door and a few moments later it opened by itself.

Inside the room was a large and long table with numerous chairs around it, the rest of Grindelwald Acolytes sat around the table, and at the end of the table was Grindelwald himself, he stood with his arms behind his back facing away from the table as he looked out of the large window that was before him.

Next to Grindelwald stood a man that Aurelius hadn't seen before, he wore reddish-brown robes and had a turban around his head. As the door closed behind them Grindelwald turned around with a smile on his face, while he was the oldest amongst the people present he didn't look a day over thirty years old, the perks of his magical technique.

"Ah Aurelius, Abernathy, I'm glad Vinda was able to find you, I had thought perhaps you'd lost your way," Grindelwald said with a smile that made those at the table sit uneasily.

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