Work Shall Set You Free

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Dumbledore sat on the steps leading to the upper dais in the main hall. It looked a far cry different from how it was mere hours ago, the candles didn't burn leaving the hall with very little light; even the enchanted sky seemed dull. In front of Dumbledore were hundreds of sheets covering the corpses of his students; the sheets used to be white but many had soaked up the blood of children staining them red. Dumbledore had taken it upon himself to look at the body of every child and professor and to label each of the bodies, a task that hurt him more than words could possibly express, but no less than he deserved.

Now he waited, he waited for the Aurors to arrive as well as the detachment from St Mungos. The School Board has also been notified and will be taking charge of bringing the family of the deceased to the school. "What a mess..." he whispered to himself. While Dumbledore liked to think of himself as sharp and quite a good strategic thinker he didn't compare to his friend Gellert. When they were younger men it was Gellert who had the vision and it would be him who put it into reality; they were the perfect combination of intelligence and power. Gellert had completely outmanoeuvred him, but Dumbledore still wasn't completely sure on how he had managed to bring the wards down and attack the castle.

The only person linked to the wards was the Headmaster. 'He must've had help from the inside...' he considered as he stroked his beard. He would need to start placing additional wards around the castle grounds to make up for this gap in their defence as well as to form a secondary barrier should Hogwarts wards be breached once again. They would in no way be at the same level as those of the founders but he liked to think he could come as close as anyone else alive could.

"Good Evening Bellatrix, shouldn't you be in the medical ward? I heard you were quite injured during your duel with the Bloody Baron," Dumbledore said aloud as he heard the woman's steps coming from behind him.

Bellatrix limped over to him still holding onto her side. "The Healers from St Mungo arrived, they've healed me enough, I can do the rest on my own," she said bitterly. She sat down on the steps a couple of paces away from him looking at him expectantly.

"Where is he?" Bellatrix asked in a dark tone.

Dumbledore almost chuckled at the look of anger he was receiving from one of his staff. 'You never know you've messed up more than when your staff turn on you,' he thought to himself.

"I'm afraid you'll have to be more specific than that my dear," he replied as he pushed up his half-moon glasses.

"Don't play coy with me you old goat, where is Harry?!" She shouted at him almost tempted to draw her wand and start cursing him.

"Grindelwald has taken him, where, I don't know," he replied, this answer wasn't to Bellatrix's satisfaction and much to Dumbledore's surprise she did draw her wand on him.

"I followed your plan, your stupid foolish plan to put Harry with those filthy muggles! You told me it would all work out, you promised me! So tell me where Harry is right now!" She screamed at him a spell on the end of her wand.

Dumbledore sighed "I truly have no idea where he is Bellatrix."

Her anger started to boil over, Harry was supposed to be hers to look after when the war ended, but she listened to this damn fool in front of her. His whispers of fate, destiny and the Dark Lord's return had convinced her to give him up —something she regretted every day. She fired a bone breaker straight towards his face and watched as it hit him and broke his skull in half, his eye popped out and exploded like a grape, but half a second later a shimmer overcame them both and he was sat there unharmed. "Hoo ho that was quite dangerous Bella," Dumbledore said touching his face.

"Don't call me that," she spat out before aiming her wand down, she knew it would do no good, she doubted even casting the killing curse would affect the old man.

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