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Harry walked in step with Hermione, Susan and Hannah as they walked to potions. Apparently, the potions master and Head of Slytherin house had been away on an assignment and had only come back today. Harry had asked around about him and heard nothing but bad things, sometimes even slurs, but people often said the same about him when he lived with the Dursleys despite killing Cursed Spirits that sometimes ate people and inadvertently saved their lives. 'Some people can be so ungrateful,' he thought with a shake of his head.

Harry peered down at Hermione and noticed that her eyes weren't as tired and her blisters were healed. "Not being bothered anymore I take it?" He whispered with a smirk on his face. Hermione looked up at him with narrowed eyes "What rune did you put on the door? No one has gone near the three of them ever since, they just sit in the common room alone not talking to anyone," she whispered back.

"Fastidium Rune," he told her.

"Otherwise known as the Revulsion Rune, it makes someone feel sick and horrible when they go near an object with it inscribed," Harry explained.

"What are you two whispering about?!" Hannah asked as she saw Harry leaning down to talk to her.

"I'm asking her why she won't let me take her out," Harry replied making Hermione blush, and Susan frown.

"He's not! I just wanted to know about something I read in a book he let me borrow," she replied, though as she tried to explain Harry was shaking his head behind her. She turned around and slapped him making him laugh, Hannah just sighed and walked past them both dragging a concerned Susan with her.

Hermione then dragged Harry down by his tie "That doesn't explain their behaviour now if you only carved the rune on my door," She whispered loudly.

Harry nodded "I put two additional runes, one that activates when the intruders have ill intent and the other applies the rune to them," he explained.

"So that's why no one is going near them at the moment because they have a revulsion rune applied to them?" She asked.

"Yep, but I did tweak it a bit, others will feel revolted when they get near them, but I also made it so they would feel revolted at themselves," Harry said with a laugh after.

Hermione just looked at him in awe "You altered the rune... that's sixth-year work," she said completely shocked.

Harry shrugged "It's easy if you can read the book instantly and memories the parts you need," he replied.

"How long will it last?" Hermione asked.

Harry pursed his lips "Maybe a day? Two at most," he replied.

Hermione frowned "Then why are they still like that now?" She asked.

Harry looked at her and raised an eyebrow. "Oh..." she said as she finally understood, the fact that it was still on them meant they had kept coming back to her room. Hermione didn't understand why they hated her so much or what she had ever done to them 'No I won't cry...' she thought to herself. She wouldn't do that again, not here in front of Harry.

"Don't worry too much about them Hermione, they are idiots," he said putting an arm around her shoulder. She nodded, he was right, Harry had done a lot to include her with his group of friends and she had become friendly with all of them, it felt good not having to worry about people making fun of her or trying to... do things to her at night. For the first time since the incident she felt safe; she didn't feel as if she were about to be killed.

Harry and Hermione quickly caught up to Hannah and Susan and filed into the potions room with the rest of the Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs. Harry chuckled as he saw that Ron and two other Gryffindors had been isolated, he looked closer scanning their faces and memorising them. Their uniforms were dishevelled and their eyes could barely stay open, looking closer one of them had a slight discolouration in one hand but not the other; his eyes also looked red. 'Shit didn't mean for it to work that well,' Harry thought to himself with a sigh. He'd have to adjust the strength of the runes on Hermione's door, he didn't want a student killing themselves cause of him.

Magic, Curses and Gods Amongst Men || Harry Potter x Jujutsu Kaisen FicWhere stories live. Discover now