Halloween Part 2

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Tonks led her housemates back towards the cellar where their common room was located. Luckily for them, it was the closest to the great hall so they wouldn't have to walk for long before they reached there. The younger years looked around in fear and some even screamed in fright in response to the screeches that filled the halls of the castle. Cedric rushed over to Tonks with a look that was just as confused as hers. "Tonks what the bloody hell is happening!?" He asked, he already had his wand in his hand and was constantly looking around. 'Good instincts,' Tonks thought to herself.

Something was very wrong and she had no idea what it could be, she'd never heard such screaming before. "Hurry up, get to the common room!" She shouted loudly to the younger years. The prefects at the front of the column herded them even faster while Tonks protected the back with one of his classmates. "I don't know what's happening Cedric, but it can't be good if we are being sent back to our dorms.

"Hogwarts is the safest place in the UK what could possibly happen here?!" He asked.


Crashing through the walls was a grotesque creature that sent the first years into fits of screens —especially the Muggleborns. It could only be described as looking like a Gorilla with a wolf-like head. "Fucking hell a curse!" Tonks shouted and she quickly threw up a shield charm which stopped the curse from smashing both his arms where she currently was. She strained underneath its power, but it was quickly allocated when Cedric and another prefect both added their power to the shield.

"You needed to get the younger years back to the dorm!" Tonks shouted to both of them. While the other prefect nodded, glad at not having to face such a creature Cedric remained steadfast.

"I won't leave you to take the curse on alone!" He replied.

"I can handle it!" She shouted back.


"Fuck me..." she said as more curses came infesting the corridor.

"Okay! Push back on three," she shouted to Cedric who nodded.




They both grunted as they flooded the spell with their magic and made the shield outwardly explode sending the cursed spirit into the others. "There looks to be most grade 2's with a couple semi grade 1's," she said as she inspected the spirits in the hallway.

"Could be worse," she said while chuckling a little nervously.

Cedric felt his heart almost beating out of his chest as he looked at the monstrous creatures before him. He hadn't faced one before, this was the year he was supposed to be doing it. He breathed heavily before focusing and tightening his grip around his wand. "I'll lead you back me up," Tonks said and Cedric nodded.

Tonks rushed forward and sent a high-powered 'Bombarda' at the cursed which managed to kick up smoke and rubble. The first curse rushed through the smoke towards Tonks, Cedric transfigured some of the rubble into small dogs and had them grip the creature's legs, it slowed it down enough for Tonks to move out of the way. She jumped off the wall and enlarged her fist, she enhanced it with magic and brought it down on the gorilla curses back. She winced at the pain but didn't stop there as she landed on its back and fired a piercing curse through the creature's neck.


The creature screeched in pain as it thrashed around, Cedric cast a Diffindo to try and sever the curses legs but the curses muscles were thick. He decided to cast Incarcerous, large ropes were sent from his wand and they wrapped around the creature's legs; that combined with its thrashing unbalanced it and sent it to the ground.

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