Halloween Finale

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Ron Weasley ran through the corridors of Hogwarts with tears streaming down his face. His skin was almost the same colour as his hair as the young boy was head to toe in the blood of others, he had watched one of his only friends Dean be decapitated by the Gryffindor House ghost. He watched as Nearly Headless Nick morphed into something much more disturbing than he had already been and nearly cut his hand across the air. Had he not fallen out of his seat when it happened he would've joined the row of students as their heads flew off their bodies and onto the table.

"Aaaah!!!" He screamed as he stumbled over an arm that had been detached from his owner, he fell to the ground splashing a pool of blood as he did. He was panting hard, something that was only made worse by his weeping, nothing had been going well since he came to Hogwarts. He had tried to help Harry by saving him from the mud blood but he wouldn't listen to him. 'Mum...' he thought to himself as he curled up into a ball on the floor. He didn't want to die, he had thought he did a few weeks ago but he didn't, he wanted to live, he didn't want to die like Dean or Seamus.


Ron looked up with horror etched across his face as he saw a fat round cursed spirit with small arms and legs but a large mouth crawling towards him. "No! No! No!" Ron shouted in terror as he drew his wand trying to fire any spell but his mind came up blank. He tried to stick the curse to the ground using his magical technique, but he felt his magic shatter as the curse overpowered his magic. He backed up on his hands and knees trying to get up and run but a roar from the curse made him fall again.

'I don't want to die here!'

'Please someone help me!'

Ron managed to stand up and dashed down the hallway as fast as he could, he poured as much magic as he could into keeping the Cursed Spirit in place but Ron wasn't a great wizard, he hadn't bothered training much like other Purebloods did before coming to Hogwarts. His magic would've struggled to contain a Grade 3 let alone the Grade 2 that was after him. After turning a corridor he barged into someone, letting out a shrill scream as he landed on the ground.

"Shut up... you're annoying."

Ron recognised that voice and looked up. It was the squib Neville Longbottom; he was also covered in blood but he didn't seem injured, in fact, he had the same careless expression he usually had. Ron looked down and saw a wooden club in his hands that also dripped with blood; bits of brain matter and flesh also seemed to be plastered to it, but with a quick shake Neville removed it —some of it splashing onto Ron.

Despite not being as smart as his siblings he could tell Neville would be able to protect him and so relief flooded his body. "There's a c-curse coming!" Ron stuttered out as he crawled on his hands and knees to him.

Neville looked down the corridor that Ron had just come down and saw the slow-moving Curse. "So there is," he said calmly before looking back at Rob with an uninterested expression.

"C-Can y-you kill it?!" He asked desperately, he tried to grasp the hem of his robes but Neville slapped his hand away in disgust.

"I could, but I'm not going to," Neville said as he walked past Ron.

The red-headed wizard fell over himself trying to chase after Neville "Please you have to help me!!!" He screamed.

Neville just looked back with a smile and laughed "Deal with it yourself, you have magic don't you?" After he said those words he jumped in the air landing on the ceiling before pushing himself back down and over the cursed spirit.

Magic, Curses and Gods Amongst Men || Harry Potter x Jujutsu Kaisen FicWhere stories live. Discover now