Halloween Part 1

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Harry and Hannah were both arguing with each other while walking down the corridor on their way to get some lunch in the Great Hall. Despite how close they have gotten recently it didn't stop them from bickering like an old married couple. Hannah was trying to convince Harry to tell his other friends the truth about himself, but Harry was reluctant to. "I just don't want them to look at me with pity, that would be annoying," Harry said as he he walked with his hands in his pockets.

Hannah signed "For someone so smart you can be such an idiot you know, there is a difference between pity and sympathy, they are your friends, Harry, you should place your trust in them the same way they have with you," she explained.

Harry sighed "Maybe you're right, but I think that stuff can wait till after the feast tonight," he said as he waved it off.

Hannah didn't look happy but nodded nonetheless, it was better than nothing. "You excited for the feast tonight?" Harry asked with a grin on his face.
"I heard the Halloween feasts are always the best ones," he said as he thought about all the great food they'd been having so far. He didn't know how it could possibly get any better than what they had so far.

"It should be nice, are you sure you'll be okay? Didn't your parents... you know on Halloween?" Hannah tried to ask delicately.

Harry shrugged it off and gave her a genuine smile "I'm sad every day that I'll never get to know the people who gave their lives for mine, Halloween is nothing special, though the food is pretty good," he ended with a grin.

Hannah snorts and shoves him "You're such a glutton," she said while shaking her head.

"Says the girl who tried to eat me on our first date," he said while rolling his eyes.

"Never touch a girl's food, I'd say you got off easily," Hannah said with a shrug. They continued to talk to each other as they made their way through the corridors of Hogwarts. Hannah's body was aching from the sparring that Harry had been putting her through; she knew she was taking advantage by getting Harry to teach her some advanced spells but she also thought she'd be an idiot not to ask. He was able to learn spells very quickly and was very good at explaining how they should be done, though sometimes he was a bit confusing when he described how non-verbal spells worked, Hannah didn't feel her magic the same way Harry seemed to so she'd made hardly any progress with her non-verbal spells. Hannah despite being a half-blood was from a pureblood family and so her education in magic like other scions from members of ancient houses began early. By the time she had come to Hogwarts, she had managed to become proficient in a few offensive and defensive spells as well as her innate magical technique.

Susan however had always been better than her when it came to duelling despite her shy and reserved personality. Her innate magical technique made it really hard to fight her, which was why she was willing to ask Harry for help. She knew most teachers would be unwilling to teach magic beyond a student's current year. "You aching?" Harry asked, which snapped Hannah out of her thoughts.

Hannah nodded "It's good, it means I'm getting better, I hope at least," she said with a nervous chuckle.

"You sure you don't want a massage," Harry said as he started wiggling his fingers inching them closer to her.

A look of disgust formed on Hannah's face and she was close to bringing out her wand. "Wow you don't need to look at me like that," Harry said as he stopped wiggling his fingers.

Hannah rolled her eyes before grabbing his arm and dragging him at a faster speed "Come on I want to eat already," she said as they walked down the stairs and through another series of corridors.

Susan, Cedric and Tonks were already at the table waiting for the Halloween feast to begin. "Finally, took them long enough," Tonks said as she saw Hannah and Harry walk into the great hall.

Magic, Curses and Gods Amongst Men || Harry Potter x Jujutsu Kaisen FicOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz