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Hannah was in her dorm getting ready for her date with Harry, and Susan was with her helping her decide what to wear. Hannah had managed to avoid Harry for the most part ever since he had asked her to Hogsmeade, not because she was angry at him, but mostly because she was embarrassed. He had entirely caught her off guard when he asked her to go to Hogsmeade with him, she had never even held a boy's hand before and now she was going on a date. She wasn't even sure if she liked Harry in that sort of way; sure he was handsome and she enjoyed being around him, but he did infuriate her sometimes. However, as of late she had begun to recognise that was more him just teasing her than anything else.

"I can't believe the nerve of him," Hannah said as she stood in front of the bed looking at the three different outfits in front of her, she had considered wearing a skirt but the weather up in Hogsmeade was too cold. She decided on a pale blue jumper and some dark blue trousers, nothing special, she wouldn't let this date go to his head.

While she started to our on her outfit Susan looked on from the side, Hannah was really pretty, much prettier than Susan was; she wasn't surprised that Harry had picked her to go on a date with. Though that didn't make it hurt any less, somehow she had managed to keep a smile on her face the entire time. She felt a little guilty that she hoped their date didn't go well and she'd get another chance but she knew there wasn't much chance of that, Hannah and Harry were both amazing people. 'They deserve each other,' she thought to herself.

They both turned around when the door to their dorm opened. "I hope you aren't dressing too risqué for your date, you at least wanna make him work a little hard for it," Tonks said with a smirk on her face.

Hannah's cheeks went bright red and she threw a pillow at the older girl "Nothing like that is going to happen!" She yelled with embarrassment. Tonks laughed loudly as she avoided the pillow and walked into the room.

"Blimey Hannah I would've thought you'd be excited to go on your date," she said as she walked up next to Susan.

"I am not, we had a bet and I lost, I am just fulfilling my end of the bargain, after today we won't be going out again," she said with her nose upturned.

Tonks moved behind Susan and wrapped her arms around her neck, surprising her, she put her chin on her head and looked at Hannah with an amused smile. "Are you sure about that? He is rather dreamy," Tonks asked.

"He's annoying! And immature!" Hannah said as she looked over to Tonks.

"Lean muscle, emerald eyes."

"Ugh stop it!" She said as she finished getting dressed.

"From the sounds of it maybe you should go on this date," she said as she put her coat on.

"Pfft, maybe when he's older, he's a bit too childish for me right now," Tonks said as she waved him off.

Hannah just shook her head in annoyance as she wrapped her scarf around her neck and turned to face them. "Wow you look beautiful Hannah," Susan said with a genuine smile.

Tonks nodded in agreement "You'll make his poor jaw hit the ground."

Hannah gave them both a small smile before heading out of the dorm into the common room.


Standing outside the Hogwarts gate were Harry and Cedric. They both stood by the carriages and watched as various students travelled to Hogsmeade. While Cedric was rubbing his arms to keep himself warm, Harry just stood near the Thestrals, they looked quite beautiful, in a dark and grim sort of way.

"Harry... I don't wanna be rude, but have you lost it?" Cedric asked as he watched Harry chucking to himself as he stroked the air.

"They're thestrals, you can only see them if you've seen death," Harry explained, he had read about them in the book of magical creatures he had gotten in the library.

Magic, Curses and Gods Amongst Men || Harry Potter x Jujutsu Kaisen FicTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon