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"Get ready!" Bellatrix shouted at Harry as she pulled out her wand. He pulled out his wand and they started circling each other, the tension in the air growing thick as they did.

Bellatrix shot the first spell, it was a simple disarming charm, she followed it up with a spell chain consisting of a shield breaker and a stunning charm. Very simple stuff and not what she would regularly use, but for the sake of giving Harry a chance she was dialling it down a bit.

Harry cast a quick shield to block the disarming charm and then shrunk it before catching the shield breaker with his wand and spinning out of the way of the stunner. He then threw the shield breaker back at Bellatrix who casually whipped her wand up sending it to the ceiling "Good, you're learning the best way to defend and counterattack," Bellatrix said before she started sending spell after spell at Harry with increasing speed. She refused to teach him any other spells before he mastered these to what she considered to be an acceptable degree; Harry had proven he could control his magic to the point of altering spells easily, so until he could make his spell his own and then proceed to use to great effect in their duels they wouldn't move on. She had high standards and wouldn't let someone with as much potential as Harry slack off, no matter how much the boy seemed to want to.

Harry channelled magic to his legs before jumping up into the air and over her spells. 'Ascendio.' He pointed his wand directly to Bellatrix and he zoomed right towards her. The shock at seeing this manoeuvre made it so she couldn't dodge in time and so she collided with Harry; the Young boy smirked as he pushed himself from on top of her "Does this mean I win," he said as his grin started to grow.

Bellatrix rolled her eyes at the young boy's antics before casting a stunner at him. As he was directly on top of her he had no way to dodge it and so he collapsed, his face landing right in her chest —which only served to annoy her more. Rolling the boy off him she stood up and cast a rennervate on him and he immediately woke up as if he'd been asleep for hours "You did well, very unorthodox, in a fight you'd catch any traditional duellist off guard, but you left yourself open at the end there, that stunner could've easily been something more deadly," she said in a chiding voice as Harry stood up.

"We will go five more times then you can head off for dinner," Bellatrix said casually making Harry groan but nonetheless take up a stance.


When Harry left Bellatrix's classroom his muscles ached and he longed for the sweet relief of his bed. But his stomach growling gave him other ideas so he headed towards the Great Hall to have some dinner; When Harry arrived in the Great Hall he took a seat next to Susan who was surprised to see Harry suddenly drop in the seat next to them.

Sitting opposite them were Cedric, Hannah and Tonks who looked at Harry with amusement. He'd had two sessions of detention with Professor Black and it amused them every time to see him so tired and achy. "Feeling okay Harry?" Cedric asked in an amused tone.

"I'm sure he's fine Cedric, we all know Harry, he's the greatest wizard to walk the earth," Tonks said in a sarcastic voice.

"Something as simple as running wouldn't get our little hero down," Hannah added with a giggle.

Harry looked up at them and scowled, before turning to Susan and looking at her with a sad look "Susannnn they're being mean to me, you care don't you?" Harry asked.

Susan laughed nervously before doing the only thing she could think of and rubbing him on his head. Though as soon as she did it she regretted it as touching his silky smooth hair sent a warm feeling throughout her body. Harry smiled before turning around and sticking his tongue out at the others "At least someone's on my side, and they say Hufflepuff is the house of the loyal," Harry said in a regretful tone. He then picked up his fork and started spooning piles of mashed potato into his mouth; even fighting Cursed Spirits at home had never been so exhausting for him. 'She's a real taskmaster, but at least I got to feel... certain things,' he thought to himself as a weird smile made its way onto his face.

Magic, Curses and Gods Amongst Men || Harry Potter x Jujutsu Kaisen FicWhere stories live. Discover now