Blinding Lights: Act 2

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Annie and Hugo held hands, as they accompanied Jojo to his agency. However something was odd, Annie was walking closer to John than she was to Hugo.

This would cause tabloid gossip if they were celebrities.

Annie: That was a really good play.

John: It'll likely be turned into a movie.

Hugo: Hopefully a good one. Am I right?

John: Yes.


The trio takes the stairs up to where John's office was. As they continued to chat, they entered said office.

Hugo: Jojo! Do you have a bottle we can crack open?

John: I do have some-

As his shadow falls upon the desk against the left wall, Jojo's head immediately twitches to be against his shoulder.

Annie: John...?

John's neck cracks as he bends it to the other shoulder. His expression becomes dark.

Walking to the door, he slams it shut, and locks it.

Hugo: Dude? What's up? You wanna get freaky or something?

Without saying a word, Jojo walks over to the desk on the left side of the room and moves the framed picture on it 3,2 millimeters.

Annie: John, talk to us, what's wrong?

John: "Lady Paranoia".

Annie: Who's that? Is she the girlfriend of that Mr. Niceguy you've mumbled about a few times?

John: 3 years ago in Russia, 10 agents were tasked with blending in a college and were found dead in the same room.

John: Recordings, the position of the bodies... All of these things suggest that the agents became overly paranoid and thus attacked and killed each other.

Annie: I don't like where this is going...

John: That incident was the fifth believed to be part of the "Lady Paranoia" phenomena.

John: Twenty-fifth if you include similar incidents on a smaller scale, dating back twenty years.

Annie: Wait... I think I've heard about it...

Hugo: Me too... Hold on. Are you saying we're going to kill each other?

John: Five times, has that picture been moved a few millimeters? Including several other objects that I have not fixed the position of...

Annie: Why not?

John: Because I believe the "Lady Paranoia" phenomena and what is happening in this room...

John: Are all being done by an individual...

John: Someone searching for something... Or perhaps just messing with me...But this room is now locked... If they are in. They are trapped...

Hugo: And if they aren't?

John looks at his palm.

John: Don't worry...They are.

(Opening Theme)

Pacing around the room, John made Hugo and Annie slightly worried.

Annie:.... John? You said something about moving objects. Right?

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