DARE: Act 2

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Gibby surveyed the area by dividing his Stand into its smaller marble parts. Through this technique, he found Annie "sneaking" through Chinatown.

Gibby: You've gotta be kidding me...

She was no expert in stealth, the only reason she hadn't been caught was likely due to Kim's trap causing enough ruckus to draw most of her men to that location.

Annie herself was too focused on her mission to notice her mistakes. Even if she did, she would forgo stealth and rush in.

Annie:(mind) The lives of Jojo and Selina along with all the other cops in that slime are in my hands...


John;(on call) You are our best hope, Annie.

John:(on call) I realize that I'm perhaps too casually asking you to take a life...

John:(on call) But understand... a fight between Stand users, is one of survival... survival of the fittest.

(Flashback end)

Annie: Survival of the fittest...

Turning the corner, Annie quickly gets into an Allyway where she climbs the roof to find and block off Kim's path.



Annie: You aren't going anywhere.

Kim: Hmph! And who are you?

Annie: The person who'll stop you!


Kim: Stupid child

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Kim: Stupid child.

(Opening Theme)

Still trapped in Kim's trap, a set of wires made from her Stand's goop which bound their limbs and slowly grew around their body, only Selina was visibly worried.

Jojo and Mr. Niceguy were too busy bickering to show a hint of concern.

Mr. Niceguy: So our only hope is your assistant?

John: Our only hope? So you can't escape this? Interesting...

Mr. Niceguy: Hmph. I know what you're trying to do. I won't stoop to that level.

Mr. Niceguy: But since you seem to have some type of plan to escape. Please, enlighten us.

John: Her men are rushing to this spot. We'll soon have to deal with gunfire.

Mr. Niceguy: I'm not afraid.

John: Neither am I.

Mr. Niceguy: What about her?

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