This place won't hold.

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"Okay, you two need anything else?" Oakley asked as she placed another blanket on Lee's bed.

"Nope," Lee said.

"We're good," James said.

"Okay...then goodnight boys," Oakley smiled and walked out of the bedroom.

She made her way past Evelyn's room and heard Kayce's warm voice talking to her about something. Making her way into her bedroom, Oakley felt her muscles finally succumb to the day's ride. It was a good sore though, one that a bath would be perfect for.

Oakley went into the bathroom and started the hot water, sitting on the ledge. She poured the bubble liquid in and then sat back for it to work its magic. A few minutes later, Kayce walked into the bathroom.

"Should have known," He smirked at Oakley.

"Some of us ain't on a horse every day," Oakley smiled. "Little sore over here."

"Clearly," Kayce walked over to the sink and leaned back against it. "So, tell me again why we have James with us?"

"Oh," Oakley stood up remembering. "Jamie had a date tonight."

"What?" Kayce frowned.

"A date," Oakley said. "But he wouldn't tell me who."

"He wouldn't?" Kayce asked.

"Nope, but clearly it's someone he likes because he's staying with her tonight," Oakley turned the water off. "So it must be serious, right?"

"Hmm," Kayce grunted.

"What?" Oakley stepped out of her boots.

"Nothing," Kayce shook his head.

"What?" Oakley sighed as she started to unbuckle her belt.

"Just weird," Kayce said. "Sort of thought Jamie would just be...him and James."

"He's allowed to have someone," Oakley pulled her jeans off.

"Just been so long since he did," Kayce shrugged. "Feel like Jamie by himself is normal."

"You realize how sad that sounds, don't you?" Oakley frowned at Kayce.

"Not saying it's right," Kayce shook his head. "Just that it's normal for him."

Oakley glanced at the bathwater that was now soapy and inviting. Her eyes looked back up at Kayce.

"Will you join me?" She asked.

Kayce smiled, reaching behind him and pulling off his long-sleeved shirt in one tug. The two settled down into the water, Oakley leaning back against Kayce with a deep sigh. Kayce's hands rubbed circles on Oakley's skin under the water. She shut her eyes, leaning her head back against his shoulder.

"How're you feeling?" Kayce asked lowly and Oakley immediately knew what he was asking about.

"I'm was easier," Oakley sighed. "I had you there though. It's always easier when you're with me out there running this place."

"We make a good team," Kayce's hands ran low on Oakley's hips.

"Today was nice," Oakley whispered. "How was your ride with Tate?"

"Good," Kayce pressed a kiss under Oakley's jaw. "You were was nice for it to just be him and me."

Oakley leaned her head to the left so she could look at Kayce.

"Did he tell you about his little girlfriend?" Oakley asked.

Kayce raised an eyebrow.

"Girlfriend?" Kayce asked. "What girlfriend?"

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