How much weight do years hold?

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Author's Note - Hold on to your hats, folks! These next few chapters are going to go fast and have a lot of information!

"I don't understand," Oakley said.

"He didn't kill her," John repeated for the fifth time.

"But...he said he did," Oakley narrowed her eyes at John.

"I know," John nodded.

"I don't understand," Oakley sighed, frustrated even more over the last hour of talking with John.

John sighed deeply, leaning up from where he had his elbows over the kitchen island. There were two empty whiskey glasses between them. Oakley was leaning against the counter, across the island from John with her arms crossed.

"If he didn't kill May," Oakley said. "Then who did?"

"We don't know," John said.

"Technically, May killed herself, right?" Oakley blinked. "But Jamie...he wore her down, right? Gave her the razor, right?"

"Wrong," John said.

"Which part?" Oakley asked.

"All of it," John said.

"May didn't kill herself?" Oakley was so confused.

"She didn't," John shook his head.

"But...but her wrists?" Oakley dropped her arms.

"Were cut, but not by May," John said. "When they did the autopsy on Doyle Anderson, it opened up more questions about May. So they pulled the files and reports...yes, May's wrists were cut, but the angle and depth were in a way where she couldn't have cut them herself."

"So, someone else cut them?" Oakley asked.

"She had a low amount of Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate in her system," John said.

"Isn't that the date rape drug?" Oakley raised her eyebrow,

"Enough to knock her out," John said. "Long enough for her to bleed out."

Oakley stood there in shock.

"Let me guess," She said. "Doyle Anderson had the same drug in his system?"

"Bingo," John nodded. "But it was enough to impact his already weak heart and he had a mini-stroke which led to him passing away."

"But it wasn't Jamie?" Oakley said slowly. "He didn't poison May?"

"No," John shook his head.

"Then why did they take him away?" Oakley shouted.

"Because he didn't do it," John said.

Oakley stared incredulously at John.

"Alright," She held up both hands. "You're gonna have to walk me through that one."

"They can take him because he didn't do it," John said. "We know that now...Jamie's always known that. Now, we just have to find out who did it."

Oakley blinked.

"Do you know?" She asked. "Who did it?"

"No," John said. "That's the question."

Oakley leaned back again and sighed. All of this was rushing at her fast and she was having a hard time focusing on one of the points long enough to understand.

Jamie was innocent. He hadn't killed May. But why had he said that he did?

"John," Oakley looked back at him. "Why did Jamie say he killed May if he didn't?"

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