Where the hell are you?

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"Your face is gonna get stuck like that," Oakley eyed Beth from across the booth where they both sat to meet for a drink.

Beth's first surprise was Oakley agreeing to come into town for a drink with her. The blonde looked over her martini glass with an amused expression. Beth smacked her lips was she sat her glass back down.

"Are you gonna say anything?" Oakley seemed a bit annoyed as she crossed her arms.

Beth's eyes looked over Oakley's appearance.

"Beth, what are-"

"You look pretty," Beth said.

"What?" Oakley asked.

"Why are you dressed like that?" Beth nodded.

Oakley looked down at her outfit. She had on a black turtleneck and dark blue jeans. Black boots and her mother's necklace...nothing seemed out of the ordinary nor what is anything Beth hadn't seen before. She looked back at Beth.

"I look how I always look," Oakley said.

"Your hair is done," Beth noted.

Oakley had curled her hair this morning, but even that wasn't completely unknown. Usually, she only did it for a special occasion, but it was her hair, right? She could curl it whenever she wanted.

"My hair is fine," Oakley said flatly.

"Your husband is out of town still," Beth smirked. "And I know you ain't pretty for me...so again I ask say, why are you dressed like that?"

"I'm just dressed, Beth," Oakley sighed.

"Hmmm," Beth took another sip of her drink. "So, it's not because Kayce's in Helena with our father looking at becoming running mates with old Lawrence? And you feel like you're gonna have to look some part now when you come into town?"

Oakley shook her head, a smirk on her lips now.

"That's why I'm here...to tell you that," Oakley laughed. "But even I told Kayce you would already know."

"I love my brother," Beth nodded. "But thank God, he has you."

Oakley giggled as she picked up her Chilton and sipped it.

"What do you think?" Oakley asked.

"I think it's surprising you're so okay with all this," Beth said. "Did you put up any fight?"

"Not really," Oakley sat her drink back down. "This is what Kayce wants to do...and he's leaving the Commissioner's role whether Lawrence wins or not."

"Now that I didn't know," Beth said.

Oakley nodded her head as their waiter put some crackers and cheese on their table.

"And you're okay with that as well?" Beth asked.

"I want my husband to come home to me," Oakley sighed. "The way his role is going...there's just been a few calls that have put what's important to us into perspective. And there's the ranch too...this seems like a logical answer to both of those problems."

"And you're okay with Kayce being in Helena for most of his time?" Beth asked.

"We'll figure it out," Oakley said softly. "But to tell you the truth, no...I don't like that thought at all, but I also know you can't be Lieutenant Governor unless you are in Helena to do that job."

"Then why not tell Kayce you don't want him to do that?" Beth asked.

"Because," Oakley leaned her chin on her fist. "I'm supporting Kayce with this."

Beth looked at her for a few seconds. She grabbed her glass and held it up for Oakley to cheers with.

"Then here's to Kayce," Beth said as Oakley clinked her glass with hers.

Oakley took another sip and sighed.

"You look great, by the way," Beth said.

"I'm really not-"

"You look great, Oakley," Beth interrupted her. "There's no one better for Kayce to have if he's gonna do this."

"I don't know about that," Oakley mumbled.

"I do," Beth looked at her. "You'll be perfect for him...just like you always are."

"Thank you, Beth," Oakley said. "We will need your help though."

"You already have that," Beth crossed her arms.

"Thank you," Oakley nodded, feeling better about this conversation. "I can't believe we're doing this."

"I can," Beth took another sip of her drink.

"You can?" Oakley laughed. "Beth, Kayce and I are the farthest from political that you can get."

"True," Beth nodded. "But that's why you'll do this...because it's the right thing to do for your family and the ranch."

Oakley took a deep breath.


When Oakley got home, Tate's truck was already there meaning the kids were home from school. Oakley got out and walked into the house, being greeted with good smells and laughter from the living room After hanging up her coat she walked over and saw the twins laughing at something on the television. Tate was in the corner on his laptop.

"Hey," Oakley smiled as she walked over and kissed the top of Tate's head. "How was pick-up?"

"Fine," Tate mumbled as he typed away.

"Momma! We went to the museum today!" Lee looked at her.

"And how was that?" Oakley asked, sitting down in the chair next to Tate.

"So cool," Lee got up and walked over to her. "We saw some dinosaur bones and fish skeletons!"

"That is so neat," Oakley smiled. "What was your favorite part?"

"Dino bones, totally," Lee nodded.

"Totally," Oakley winked and looked over at Evelyn. "What about you Miss. Priss?"

"I liked the cats," Evelyn leaned over the back of the couch.

"Of course you did," Oakley said.

"Momma, can we-"

"We have cats," Oakley beat her to it.

"We have barn cats," Evelyn sighed dramatically. "I want a house cat."

"Well, I want all of you to go was hup for supper," Oakley stood up and ruffled Tate's hair. "And since I'm the mom, that means what I want is going to happen."

Evelyn sighed before she followed her brother out of the room. Oakley looked at Tate who shut his laptop.

"What about you?" She smiled. "How was your day?"

"Fine," Tate looked up. "Where were you?"

"Seeing your aunt," Oakley leaned back in her chair.

"Beth?" Tate asked.

"Do you have some other aunt I don't know about?" Oakley joked.

"Why?" Tate laughed. "You don't see her often."

"Just catching up," Oakley said. "For that reason...us not seeing her very often."

"She still kind of scares me," Tate smirked.

"Women will do that," Oakley laughed. "Speaking of women..."

"When's Dad get back?" Tate stood up, once again avoiding talking to Oakley about his date tomorrow night with Brandi.

"Tomorrow sometime," Oakley sighed, standing as well.

The twins walked past the room and over to the dining room. Tate and Oakley followed them, sitting in their chairs around a feast Gator had prepared. Speaking of, he walked back in with the final plate.

"Hey, Gator," Oakley smiled. "Anyone else joining us?"

There were more plates than four as Oakley looked around the table. As if on cue, the front door opened and shut. Gator glanced behind before nodding his head.

"Jamie and James are here," Gator told Oakley. "Jamie called me this morning."

"Oh," Oakley turned in time to see Jamie walk in behind James. "Hi."

"Hey," Jamie nodded. "Hope this is okay?"

"Of course," Oakley shook her head, stepping aside for them to walk in. "Just a surprise."

"I need to meet with Dad tomorrow, and it made sense to come here tonight," Jamie took his seat.

"You're staying?" Oakley smiled. "They'll love that."

The twins were already talking with James. They all gathered around and dished out the meal. Afterward, Oakley and Jamie stayed in the kitchen while the kids went off into the house. Oakley was currently washing dishes as Jamie picked up a towel to dry.

"I don't think Kayce has ever dried a dish with me," Oakley laughed as she handed Jamie the last plate.

"Well...guess he won't now that he's gonna be the next lieutenant governor," Jamie looked at Oakley.

"You know," Oakley said.

"I know," Jamie nodded.

"Please tell me that Kayce told you?" Oakley pleaded.

"He told me," Jamie nodded. "But I know it's because you told him to."

"Well, just trying to help him remember everything that will be needed," Oakley shrugged, wiping down the counter.


She looked over at Jamie who was smiling at her.

"What?" She asked.

"If he's going to do this, we're all going to have to be on the same team and help him," Jamie said.

"I know that," Oakley leaned back up. "That's what I'm doing."

"Well, don't try and do it all," Jamie said. "You'll run yourself out and it won't help Kayce in the end."

Oakley didn't like how Jamie was telling her what to do right now.

"I've run before," Jamie said. "So has my father and Beth's...well, she's done what she's done...but that's to say that we all know how to handle this."

"And I don't?" Oakley bit back.

"That's not what I said," Jamie shook his head.

"That's what it sounded like," Oakley mumbled.

"You've also got the kids to think about," Jamie said.

Oakley narrowed her eyes.

"Actually, that's what I was going to talk to Dad about tomorrow," Jamie said.

"About my children?" Oakley asked.

"No, about being Kayce's manager for the campaign," Jamie chuckled. "It'll be easier on you and I can already have all his initial meetings set up here in a week or two."

Oakley crossed her arms.

"I can work with my buddy, Dylan in Miles City too, to help with the west," Jamie continued. "Obviously will work with Lawrence's team and devise a good course for travel around the state."

Oakley blinked, listening to Jamie.

"That's too much time away and the kids have school," Jamie said.

"I'm aware of my children's educational status," Oakley said.

"But this way, you'll be here for them," Jamie sat his towel down. "Speaking of...bedtime."

Oakley watched Jamie walk out of the kitchen. Maybe her worries had been on the wrong sibling of Kayce's?


Oakley pulled her hair into a high ponytail. She could smell coffee from downstairs and was in desperate need of some, having not had a good night. She tossed and turned, moving from her side to Kayce's throughout the night. Her mind was reeling from both of her conversations yesterday. She hadn't talked to Kayce either. He had had some dinner last night that went late and she got a text from him close to midnight saying he was exhausted and hated everyone...but also that he loved her and would see her in a few hours.

Oakley could do the mom role without Kayce with her eyes closed. But the wife role was different. She had missed Kayce this past week and was thankful it was Friday.

Walking down the stairs she saw Evelyn and Tate in the kitchen already, eating breakfast. Oakley walked up and kissed Lee's head.

"I see two," Oakley smiled.

"Three!" Lee said coming from behind.

"Lee, honey...your shirt," Oakley sighed.

Lee looked down and then back up at Oakley.

"It's backwards, bro," Tate chuckled.

"Oh," Lee pulled his arms through and flipped the shirt around.

Oakley rolled her eyes, grabbing a mug to pour her coffee. She looked over her should when she heard Jamie and James walk in.

"Morning," Oakley put the pot back.

"Good morning," Jamie walked up to her and grabbed a mug.

Oakley stepped out of the way and she saw Jamie give her an odd look before grabbing the pot himself. Rolling her eyes, Oakley walked over to James who was sitting next to Lee and smiled.

"Do you want some pancakes?" Oakley asked her nephew.

"Yes, please," James nodded.

"Everything is there," Oakley waved to the kitchen island. "Help yourself."

She watched the kids eat and felt Jamie come up and stand next to her.

"I texted Kayce," Jamie said. "They're about two hours out."

"You texted Kayce?" Oakley asked before she could stop herself.

She hadn't even texted Kayce this morning, but she had hoped he was getting some rest.

"Yeah," Jamie didn't seem to pick up on Oakley's annoyance. "We're all going to meet once they're here and see what the word is."

Oakley frowned, looking down at her mug.

"But I have to get James to school first," Jamie sighed. "I'll probably be a little late after they get here."

Oakley bit her tongue, knowing exactly what Jamie was doing.

"James, grab your bag," Jamie said, looking at his phone.

His eyes then looked up and Oakley felt like she was caught.

"Are you taking the kids?" Jamie asked.

"Tate is," Oakley said. "Tate takes his siblings to school in the mornings."

"Oh," Jamie sighed.

James walked up and stood next to his dad in his school uniform. Oakley felt bad as James looked up at her with a small smile.

"I can take James," Oakley said.

"Really?" Jamie asked.

"Sure," Oakley smiled. "Come on, kiddos...we'll drop James off first and then you."

"So I'm off duty today?" Tate smiled.

"You can pick them up after school," Oakley eyed him.

"Fine," Tate rolled his eyes.

"Have a good day," Jamie hugged James goodbye and then walked past Oakley. "Super helpful, thanks."

Oakley was full on irritate now as she marched after the kids. She wanted to call Kayce and yell but also knew that he was probably in the air now so that wouldn't work. She didn't say much as she drove out to the private school James attended. It was a solid forty-five minutes with traffic and she wondered how Jamie did this every day. After he got out, Oakley got back on the highway and headed back to town.

"Why does James go there?" Lee asked.

"Because that's where his father sends him," Oakley said.

"I'm glad we go to our school," Evelyn pipped up.

Oakley smiled.

"Me too," Lee said. "Imagine wearing those costumes every day."

"They're uniforms, Lee," Oakley corrected gently. "But I'm glad you two go to Parker too."

"That's where you and Daddy went," Evelyn said.

"That's right," Oakley nodded. "So I'm extra glad you two go there."

"Momma, can we get ice cream in town tonight?" Lee asked as Oakley came to a red light.

"I don't know, baby," Oakley said. "Your father gets back today with Grandpa so...maybe let's see how they feel after school?"

"Alright," Lee nodded.

"I miss Daddy," Evelyn said.

"Me too," Oakley sighed as the light turned green.

Drop off went smooth, although the twins were borderline late as they ran inside. Oakley waved to the police office helping direct traffic as she left the parking lot. She got up to the last light in town and waited. Her phone started to ring, Kayce's name popping up on the screen. Oakley hadn't ever been this happy to see his name as she answered.

"Where are you?" Kayce asked.

"Coming back from drop off," Oakley said. "But good morning to you too, baby."

"Sorry," Kayce sighed. "We just got to the ranch. Jamie and Dad are waiting on me to talk and I just didn't see you anywhere."

Oakley smiled as Kayce told her his first want was to see her with coming back.

"Jamie is about ready to pounce I think," She mumbled.

"You sound thrilled," Kayce said.

"He..." Oakley trailed off and took a breath. "You'll see when you talk to him. I'm about fifteen minutes away."

"Come up to the office when you get here," Kayce said.

"Do you want that?" Oakley asked.

"What do you mean?" Kayce said. "Of course, I want that."

"Okay, it's just..." Oakley frowned.

"What, Oaks?" Kayce asked.

"Nothing," Oakley shook her head. "I'll come find you when I get there."

"Alright," Kayce said as Oakley got onto the highway, but he didn't hang up.

"You still there?" Oakley smiled.

"The longer I stay on with you, the longer I don't have to go into that office," Kayce said.

"How was Helena?" Oakley asked, catching on.

"It was..." Kayce trailed off. "It was fine, baby."

"How are you feeling?" Oakley asked.

"I feel like I either made the worst decision of my life or the best," Kayce said.

"Well, good thing I'll love you with either of those," Oakley laughed. "Obviously, I talked to Jamie, but I also talked to Beth...she's supportive."

"Thank you," Kayce sighed. "I just feel like I've come back and everyone's in full throttle mode and there hasn't even been an announcement."

"I know," Oakley nodded. "Felt the same if I'm being honest."

"Does it always go this fast?" Kayce asked.

"I don't know," Oakley said. "I just know I've missed you this past week."

"Kids give you issues?" Kayce asked.

"No, the kids were great actually," Oakley said. "I just missed you."

"Missed you too," Kayce said.

They were both quiet for a few moments.

"I don't want it to be like this, Kayce," Oakley said softly.

He didn't say anything.

"I know there will be times," Oakley sighed. "Lots of times where it will be similar to this and you'll be needed and everything but I just don't...what it to be like this."

"I know," Kayce said. "I don't want it like this either."

"Then how do we keep it from not being like this?" Oakley asked as she saw her exit.

"Where are you?" Kayce asked.

"About to turn into the ranch," Oakley slowed down and put her blinker on.

"I'll come meet you out front," Kayce said.

"Your Dad and Jamie have been waiting for almost twenty minutes now," Oakley said as she turned the corner and saw the main lodge.

"I know," Kayce said.

Oakley saw him walk down the front porch steps. Her lips broke into a smile as she pulled her truck up and parked next to his that hadn't been used in a week. Oakley got out and walked around the front of the truck as Kayce hung up the phone.

She got right up to him when Kayce held the back of her head with one hand, the other wrapping around her back. Oakley's lips met Kayce's as she held onto his shirt. The wind was freezing right now, but Kayce's lips warmed Oakley's bones as he kissed her deeply. Her hands smoothed up until she wrapped her arms around Kayce's neck. They pulled apart briefly.

"Hi," Kayce smiled.

"Hi there," Oakley laughed as she kissed him again.

Kayce wrapped both of his arms around Oakley and lifted her off the ground. Her giggles broke their kiss as her boots touched the dirt again. Oakley pushed some of her hair out of her face and smiled up at Kayce.

"That's how we make it not like that," Kayce told her, wrapped his arm around her shoulders and leading her into the house.


Later that evening, Oakley sunk low into the warm waters of her bath. Kayce might have been the one out of town, but the past week had been challenging being the single parent of three kids. Plus, she needed a distraction from that fact that Tate was currently out with Brandi...and sixty of her and Kayce's money.

The warm waters soothed her bones as she stretched her legs out and sighed. Kayce was currently getting the twins down for sleep as he had promised them a trip into town in the morning for some new outdoor boots for the winter. Kayce being Kayce, he wanted to beat any of the crowds. He also had missed bedtime for the past four nights, so Oakley let him have it.

The conversation with Jamie and John had been interesting to Oakley. While Jamie had no problem asserting himself over Oakley, he had no authority with John in the room. What surprised Oakley even more was that John seemed to look to her for many of the questions asked. Obviously, this was a preliminary meeting, Lawrence had yet to make his formal announcement and would be speaking with Kayce over the next few months. The game plan for now would be getting Kayce into rooms he hadn't yet been in. Lawrence was a powerful guy in the west but faltered in the east. Kayce wasn't too far off with that though either. Which meant a few trips out east over the next few months. Of course, everything would change when the official announcement would take place after the March primaries.

Oakley rolled her head and screamed, jumping slightly and sloshing water around. Kayce was kneeling next to her and looked down at the water before giving Oakley an amused look. Oakley pressed her hand against her chest and breathed out.

"I said your name twice," Kayce smiled.

"Sorry," Oakley sighed. "My mind was...elsewhere."

"Clearly," Kayce stood up, unbuckling his belt. "Move over."

"Excuse you?" Oakley eyed him from below.

"Move," Kayce shed the rest of his clothes and stepped into the waters, sinking behind Oakley.

She looked over her shoulder at him as Kayce's legs stretched out around her. Once settled, Kayce looked at her before reaching around and pulling her back against him.

"Feeling a little man handled right now," Oakley teased.

"Feeling a little like I haven't seen my wife in a week," Kayce mumbled against her ear. "And I'll handle you however I want."

"That's because you haven't seen me," Oakley leaned against him and relaxed finally for the first time this week. "And it's been noted."

"Hi..." Kayce whispered as his hand smoothed across her stomach under the water. "Twins are down."

"Tate still not back?" Oakley leaned her head against his shoulder.

"He's still got an hour," Kayce kissed her jaw before his eyes looked at the water. "What'd you put in here?"

"Some salts to help my muscles," Oakley smiled. "A little sore this week."

"How come?" Kayce asked her. "What happened?"

"Just doing a lot," Oakley shook her head. "Not that you don't work too but doing my normal plus your parenting part...was just a lot this week and I'm not thirty anymore."

"Tell me about it," Kayce sighed.

"I got up from the bed the other day and I groaned...groaned!" Oakley laughed. "My body is falling apart."

"Your body is fine," Kayce moved his hands over his hips before wrapping his arms around her. "Perfect actually."

"Mmmm, good answer," Oakley giggled, holding onto Kayce's arms. "How are you?"

"Better," Kayce sighed.

"I mean with everything else?" Oakley squeezed his arms. "How are you feeling with the plan and your father?"

"Is what it is right now," Kayce said. "Just going to have to keep those boundaries with everyone."

"Yeah," Oakley nodded.

"You wanna tell me more about Jamie?" Kayce asked.

"What about Jamie?" Oakley didn't look at him.

"Whatever he did to piss you off," Kayce smirked. "You might be able to fool them but you can't me."

"He just..." Oakley ran her hand over the water around them. "He got a little too eager with our roles for this."

"Our roles?" Kayce asked.

"His and mine," Oakley looked at Kayce finally. "I think Jamie feels like my role as wife...mother and housekeeper, is where I belong."

Kayce narrowed his eyes as if trying to understand what Oakley was meaning. She sighed and leaned off of Kayce enough to face him more.

"He said he wanted to be your campaign manager," Oakley said.

"And you think that's not a good fit for him?" Kayce asked.

"No, I actually think he'd be a good manager," Oakley frowned. "I just didn't like him telling me my role would be to take care of the children and only do that."

"Oh...I see now," Kayce nodded, propping one of his knees up out of the water. "Jamie will figure out sooner or later how you and I operate as a team. He's never seen us work that way before so it's new waters for him."

"I'd suggest he figure it out sooner rather than later," Oakley reached up and placed her elbow on the tub's edge, letting her head rest against her fist as she looked at Kayce. "While I am a mother...and a wife...I also want to be more for you with this."

"You're enough as is, baby," Kayce smiled. "But thank you for wanting to be more...I have no idea what any of this will look like as we go forward, but I am glad you'll be with me."

Oakley smiled, appreciating Kayce's thoughts on her being with him for the campaign.

"Jamie doesn't have a you," Kaye reached up and tucked a piece of hair that had fallen out of Oakley's messy bun behind her ear. "He doesn't know how lucky I am."

That put a little bit more of the situation into perspective for Oakley. Her tense muscles relaxed some as she sighed.

"Not that he doesn't deserve your wrath too," Kayce winked. "Just...go easy on him. I think Dad will take him on for all of us if it comes to that."

"John was a bit surprising today," Oakley said. "He included me way more than I thought he would."

"He and I had a lengthy talk about you on the flight back," Kayce said.

"What'd you say?" Oakley rested her other hand on Kayce's chest.

"Just reminded him what you've done and are doing for me and this family," Kayce said. "Nothing too intense, but it was something we talked about."

"You talked about me?" Oakley smirked.

"You make up a good ninety percent of my conversations and thoughts," Kayce chuckled. "Thought you knew that."

"Oh, I did," Oakley said. "It's just nice to hear sometimes."

Kayce squeezed her waist under the water, making Oakley wiggle around and smile. She leaned her cheek against his shoulder and sighed letting them both sit there in silence for a while.

"You haven't asked me one thing," Kayce said.

"What's that?" Oakley looked up at him.

"You haven't asked me what happens if this doesn't work out," Kayce looked down at her.

Oakley thought for a moment.

"Well, that's simple," She leaned up. "I haven't asked because I'm not thinking that's an option."

"Oakley...it's a probability," Kayce told her.

"Yes, but then I think about what we have right now would be what we would have then," She said. "And this right here is pretty perfect in my eyes so if that's the outcome, then we'll be just fine."

"And you don't think what we have is better than if Lawrence wins?" Kayce asked.

"Now who's doing all the 'what ifs' for us?" Oakley smiled.

She pushed Kayce's hair back and kissed him softly.

"No, I think whatever happens is what's going to happen..." She smiled. "And each scenario has you and me together so I'll just focus on you winning for now and then whatever happens...happens."

Kayce nodded, leaning up slightly.

"Come on," Kayce gently pushed Oakley to sit up more. "Water's cold."


Oakley walked down the hallway the next morning to get the twins up. Kayce was in the shower, and she wanted them all out the door to beat the crowds. When she stopped at Lee's door she glanced at Tate's, seeing it open.

"Weird," Oakley mumbled as she walked over and peaked inside.

Tate's room was empty. His bed was even made still. Oakley narrowed her eyes, thinking there was no way the kids got up, made his bed and was downstairs before she was.

Walking over to his window, Oakley looked down to the where the vehicles were parked. Tate's truck was missing. There weren't tire tracks either as if he had been there and left early this morning.

Tate hadn't come home.

After their bath, Kayce took Oakley to bed and they didn't leave until this morning. Sighing, Oakley stood back up and pulled her phone. The rent any missed call or texts so she sent one to Tate.

Where the hell are you? - OD

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