The power he has.

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"See, if you tie it along like this...then it should stay tucked around all the stems, like that, see?" Oakley asked, holding up the bouquet for Evelyn.

"I don't think my fingers are big enough, Momma," Evelyn was struggling with her bundle.

Oakley smiled, reaching over and taking it from Evelyn.

"How about this...I'll finish the last three and you start leaving them at the tents?" Oakley looked down at the seven bundles finished. "That way when people get back from their work today they'll have a surprise from you?"

"Sounds good," Evelyn picked up as many bundles as she could before racing off.

Oakley giggled as she tied together the next bundle of wildflowers. Evelyn had collected enough flowers for everyone, just like the little girl had wanted.

"I'll ask her, you put your gear up."

Oakley looked over and saw John and Tate had gotten back from fishing that morning. Tate went into the tent while John looked over at Oakley before walking up to her.

"How was it?" Oakley asked, glancing between John and her work. 

"I'm here to ask if you'd make your sauce for the fish fry tonight?" John said.

"Must have been a good morning," Oakley smiled up at him. "Sure."

"Seems you've been busy as well," John nodded.

"Your granddaughter wanted everyone to have a bouquet for their tent," Oakley finished the last bundle. "I don't think I've ever picked this many wildflowers in my life."

John surprised Oakley by sitting down in the chair next to her.

"Are the boys not back yet?" John asked.

"Not yet," Oakley sat back in her chair. "Though knowing them they'll be distracted by looking at a bird or tracking some footprint of something."

Evelyn was back for the rest of the bundles. Oakley helped her balance them all before she ran off again among the tents. Oakley smiled as she watched Evelyn hand one to Teeter.

"I remember Lee...big Lee...taking Kayce and Jamie up some trail he had found on the land when they were kids," John cleared his throat. "Bet Kayce and Jamie are showing the boys that trail."

Oakley looked at John.

"Jamie went with them?" Oakley asked.

"And James," John nodded. "Why?"

"Uh, no reason," Oakley shrugged. "Just didn't know they had gone."

It was quiet between them for a few moments. Storm clouds were building off in the distance from the camp. Oakley could feel John's eyes on her.

"I know there's not a whole lot of trust right now with you and him," John said.

Oakley finally looked back at John.

"Between me and who?" Oakley asked.

"Jamie," John eyed her.

"No..." Oakley sighed. "There isn't a lot of trust there right now."

"This'll all get worked out," John told her.

"How?" Oakley asked and she knew John didn't have a response to that. "What are you going to do so that you protect him?"

"Do you not want me to protect him?" John asked.

Oakley blinked back at him, now she was the surprised one. Was John asking her a trick question?

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