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I know I said I couldn't juggle 3 stories at once, but I can't help myself. If this goes to its full length then yay. If not;enjoy what's here.

Izuku walked down an alley with a grin on his face. His blade screeching against the wall as he walked. "Come out, you maggot."

He heard crazed laughs surrounding him and grinned. "Are you trying to scare me?" Izuku started to laugh himself as he quickly turned around and sliced the head off of a curse who had tried to sneak up on him

A grin formed on izuku's face as the curse started to reform its head on its body. "We have to wait for a sorcerer to get here to exercise you. But until then." The grin on izuku's face widened.

"Let's have some fun!"

Izuku ran at the curse and pulled back his arm. It roared and tried to bite izuku but izuku jumped up into the air. His laughs echo'd throughout the alleyway as he clutched his katakana with both hands and stabbed through the top of the curse. It screamed in pain.

Izuku ran down the curses side dragging the blade through it. Izuku had completely cut the thing in half. Before he could continue heard someone land at the building adjacent to him and grinned before disappearing from the sight of the curse.

The curse looked around urgently before an explosion hit it in the eyes. A blonde boy walked up to it and exercised it.

Curses, quirks. Both exist simultaneously. Cursed energy exists in everyone, and almost 80% of the population has quirks along with it.

The cursed techniques used in ancient times, from the edo period onward; still are used. Just not as often due to quirks overtaking them in power.

As long as fear exists.

So will curses.

Izuku watched as the blonde boy looked around. He had a uniform on.

Izuku smiled as he cracked his knuckles.

'A jujutsu sorcerer.'

"I see you."

Izuku continued to stare at the blonde haired boy. He chuckled and jumped down to the alleyway again. "I guess you got me."

The blonde turned around and stared at the boy. "You don't give off any cursed energy. Only your weapon does..." The boy mumbled and izuku shrugged.

"I don't know why you're monologuing. Not very smart. Student of U.A."

Izuku chuckled as the blonde grit his teeth before speaking.

"Who are you."

Izuku put his blade over his shoulder. "I could ask the same couldn't I?" Izuku smiled as he put the katana in front of him again. "But I'm not here to introduce myself. You look strong; and I like that."

"Are you challenging me?" The blonde asked and izuku quickly nodded. "That is exactly right."

The boy grit his teeth. "YOU DAMN NOBODY HOW DARE YOU!" The boy uses what looked to be an explosion quirk to shoot himself at izuku.

He easily jumps out of the way. The blonde turned around to where izuku had been to only see him gone.

"Your explosions. What a great quirk."

The blonde turned to see izuku behind him. He swung his arm back and izuku disappeared again.

Izuku kneeled down whilst on top of a street post. He put his fist against his cheek while leaning his head to the side a bit. "You're slow."

The blonde put his hand out and shot at Izuku with projectile explosions. "How fascinating." Izuku jumped off of the lamppost and looked at what seemed to be sweat drops exploding.

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