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Izuku slowly opened his eyes. He felt energy coursing throughout his body. He looked over and saw an old woman with her hands on him. The woman noticed him opening his eyes. "Welcome back."

Izuku shot up in the bed. "What!"

The older woman chuckled. "Slow down sweetie, you're still not back to 100%."

Izuku looked over to her and raised a brow. "Who are you?!"

"Recovery girl. You're at U.A, so you're safe now."

Izuku felt at his chest. The scar tissue from Sukuna's cleave created an X on his chest. "How am I alive...the last thing I remember is laying down somewhere in Aomori bleeding out."

Recovery girl chuckled a bit and rubbed her nose. "You can thank Uraraka for that." Izuku raised a brow. "I was across the whole country how did she get to me before I bled out?"

Recovery nodded, understanding his confusion. "Well, All Might brought her with him to find you, luck was on our side for sure, but Uraraka was the one to use reversed curse technique to keep your heart beating till you could get here."

Izuku slowly nodded. "I'm good now right?" He asked the woman who slowly nodded. "You'll need a few more treatments, but you should be able to go to school now."

"How many treatments have I had?"


Izuku's eyes widened. "WHAT! HOW LONG WAS I ASLEE-" Recovery girl smacked him on the face. "Quiet down!" Izuku closed his mouth. "Sorry...anyways,how long was I asleep for you to perform 200 treatments?"

"Two weeks."

"How long was each treatment."

"Hour long."

"So you're saying you performed 200 hours worth of work in two weeks. A week is 168 hours does that mean."

Recovery girl nodded and izuku's mouth gaped open. "Wow, you have one hell of a work ethic." Recovery girl chuckled. "I had to keep you alive boy, if I didn't we'd have no chance against Sukuna and Shigaraki."

Izuku closed his mouth, his demeanor becoming more serious as he stood up. "Yeah...is All Might okay? You said he found me which means he survived his run in with Six eyes."

Recovery girl nodded. "The six eyes hasn't mastered his powers to the extent we thought he had, but I'll let All Might explain that to you, for now;lay down so I can finish this treatment."

Izuku quickly nodded and layed down.

Once the treatment was done izuku got up and stretched. He popped his neck which was stiff, it made recovery girl cringe. "Alright boy, go to All Might's office, he will talk to you there okay?"

Izuku nodded and turned around walking to the door,he hesitated. He then sighed and turned back toward recovery girl. The woman looked at him a bit confused.

He put his hands to his side and bowed down. "Thank you for saving me. I'm forever in your debt."

Recovery girl smiled and patted the boys head. "Don't worry sweetie it's part of my job. Make sure to thank Uraraka as well for really saving you."

Izuku raised his head and smiled at the woman. "Alright I will, and in the most respectful way possible, I hope I don't need to see you again." Izuku chuckled and recovery girl laughed with him. "Of course, bye bye now."

Izuku waved as he left the room. He started to walk through the U.A building, soon realizing he didnt really know where he was going.

He wandered around until finally finding the route to All Might's office. He walked to it and knocked. The door quickly opened and All Might's eyes widened. "Midoriya!" All Might grabbed the shorter boys shoulders. "Uhm....hi, can we talk inside?"

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