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"What do you want?" Izuku stood across from all might.

"I want you to come to U.A."

Izuku scoffed. "I've told you haven't I? School isn't for me."

All Might stood his ground. "Midoriya, your potential is being wasted. I've turned a blind eye to you before;but fighting one of my students is a big no."

Izuku chuckled as he turned around. "That Bakugo kid? I didn't fight him. More just toyed with him. It's good training right?"

All Might started to walk toward the boy but izuku disappeared from his view.

All Might looked around and saw Izuku sitting on the ledge of the building above him. "All Might, that boy wants to be better than you. Isn't that funny?"

All might grit his teeth. "I think he can do it."

Izuku shrugged as he took his backpack off. He slowly opened it up and pulled out a dagger. All might raised a brow. "What are you doing boy?"

"Wanna fight? If you think he could be as strong as you, then I should be able to beat you easily." Izuku chuckled as he cracked his neck.

All Might was unamused. "No, I won't fight you unless you become a U.A student."

Izuku quickly shot a reply. "And how do you expect me to fit in? I don't have cursed energy you know this." All Might sighed.

"You are strong, your heavenly restriction gave you that power. That and with your clearly very high IQ, I could see you fitting in just fine."

Izuku just shook his head while smiling. "You seem to be a know it All. How do you know my IQ is high? What gives you that impression?"

All Might chuckled at the compliment bait. "Not only did you learn two languages on your own. But your ability to figure out someone's quirk or cursed technique is amazing."

Izuku smiled at the compliment. He loved getting his ego stroked.

"Aw, how flattering All might." Izuku turned jumped down from the top of the building, landing a few feet in front of All Might.

"But still;I'll have to decline your offer."

Izuku disappeared into the air. All might cussed to himself. "If you're still there!"

Izuku who stood on top of the building next to the alleyway raised a brow.

"I'll fight you, on one condition."

A smirk slowly crept onto Izuku's face as he quickly appeared in front of All Might.

"Which is?"

All Might chuckled and wiped his arm over his mouth.

"If I win, you join my class at U.A."

Izuku smirk didn't subside like All Might expected it too. Izuku once again took off his backpack and took out a dagger. "Don't worry All Might. I won't kill you. It's not my thing." Izuku chuckled as he got into a fighting stance.

All Might got into a fighting stance.

"Can we do this somewhere no one else will get hurt?"

Izuku grinned and nodded. "As long as it's not at the school I don't care where we fight."

Izuku examined his dagger. "Let's meet back up tonight, what do you say? There will be less people to witness it but I think that's for the better. Wouldn't you agree?" Izuku took his eyes from the blade and back onto All Might who nodded.

"Meet me at the center of Tokyo, at dusk tonight."

Izuku smiled and nodded before putting his dagger back into the bag he had. He sighed. "Don't expect me to go easy on you All Might."

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