Chapter 15 "Kiyoka Kudou"

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After Sung-Young had returned back from her little break the team had started training again since Dohwi and Do-hee were in lose..

Mun decided to ask Sung-Young about her elemental powers and was also curious if he had elemental powers too..

"So..Sung-Young there is something I want to ask you about.."

"Ask away.."

"I just wanted to know that is there possiblity that I have elemental powers too.."

Sung-Young then blinked at Mun and then sighed..

"Hmm..I don't know.."

"How come you don't know?"

"'s not something I decide..I was born with them since my mother's side was related to Kudou's..Of course we can ask from my grandpa but I don't know..I do sence that you have a strong psychometry and telekinesis.."

"I know that!! But.."

"You want more power to keep Hana safe huh?"

"How did you.."

"Well..Mun I notice many things..even before you can sence them..Anyways..Remember when you ask my grandpa about our powers..don't ask unnecessary things..and remember to respect him.."


"But of course you don't need to be nervous around him..He is really nice but his impression can be hmm..quite intimidating.."

Yeah..I saw..And I have to say..eventhough you look just like me I can see that you are also taking after your grandpa..Your eyes are just as cold as his..

"Hm..Did you say something?"


"Good..So before we are going to Yung just remember that if it is revaled that you have elemental powers they also hold responsibilities..For example how you use your powers and what you use them for..And I trust you know these things alredy since you are a counter.."

"I understand.."

"Okay..So let's go meet them shall we?"

Before Mun and Sung-Young could go to Yung Hana came to them and looked them weirdly..

"Are you guys going to Yung?"

"Yup..Mun wanted ask something from my grandpa.."

"Your grandpa?"


"Can I come along?"

Sung-Young then looked at both of them and then smiled.

"How about you two go ask him by yourselfs?"

"Ah but.."

"He is just like any other Yung partners..There no need to worry..Go...and since Jade is still I need to keep her company.."

"Okay..Are you sure your grandpa won't say anything?"


"Alright..Alright..We are going.."

Mun and Hana then went to Yung. They were greeted by Wi-gen and Kiyoka..

"Mun and Hana..What are you guys doing here?"

"There is something we want to ask from Kudou Kiyoka.."

Kiyoka looked suprised at Mun and Hana.

"Oh..What is that you young ones want to ask?"

Mun was thinking how to put those questions to Kiyoka and then sighed..

"I wanted to know..if there is possiblity that I have elemental powers.."

"New Powers New People" (Mun x Hana) (Sung-Young x Jade)Where stories live. Discover now