Chapter 26 "The Time Has Yet to Come"

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Dohwi smiled at the counters. It was too easy for them to find them..

"I see..I see..This was your base..or home..Do Hana.."

Hana stared down at Dohwi..This wasn’t the same Dohwi who was playing piano back in high school.

Did he already forgot? He had already visited here..unless evil spirit started to erase his memories about being a human..Just how long have you been

"Do Hana.."

Sung-Young looked at them. It was not going to end well for them when there was someone who didn't have their powers yet..


So they know who I am really..

"This will be easy..You give us your powers..We will let your companions live..What do you say? It’s useless to fight when you almost lost last time.."

"Don't underestimate my new team Park Dohwi..They are much stronger than you think.."

Dohwi laughed a little..

"Stronger..? That's what I want to see.."

"Then let's show them then.."

Dohee smiled and charged her attack on Sung-Young.

"Iudex Sung-Young..Your powers will be ours.."

Sung-Young then looked around and saw Dohwi fighting with Mun and Hana..

They have improved..What a relieve..

"Look over here..I am your oppoiment.." shouted Dohee and punched Sung-Young


Dohee smirked..

"You are suppose to be Dragon of Water..What is this?"

Sung-Young continued staring at Dohee. To her eyes this poor girl didn't have anyone by her side expect her twin Dohwi. Her eyes seemed different since the last time they have met..Somehow she felt different about her..She didn't know what..but to Sung-Young she couldn’t judge her..not yet..It felt like she was forced be in this situation..

I have to make sure not to hurt Dohee too much then..

"You seem angry.."

"What do you think?! I have to listen this moron for years.."

Sung-Young furrowed her eye browns.

"You..Are you perhaps..Emperor's son..?"

Do-hee's eyes wided..

"How did you know?"

"I can see that..Your tecnique..It's exactly what my grandpa descripe to me..You are emperor's son Takaihito right..?"

"Then what is to you?!"

"Us counters can free you from your guilt what have you carying for years for this poor girl who has nothing to do with a things what happend hundreds of years ago.."

"I don’t believe you!! You try trick me to join you.."

Then Dohee took Sung-Young by her throat and picked her up..

"It's your fault! It's your fault that I had to suffer for years.."

At that moment Sung-Young knew that this was part of prophecy and it was meant to happen..

"Then are you happy..To destroy a city which has nothing to do with my family and Kudou clan?!"

Dohee looked at Sung-Young..

"New Powers New People" (Mun x Hana) (Sung-Young x Jade)Where stories live. Discover now