Chapter 23 "Prophecy"

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"Dream-sight..huh?" said Sung-Young to herself.

That evil spirit have something to do with my past and also a fact that they want Dream-sight..Does this mean that Mun is the only one who can defeat it? That must be it..Also I feel like my grandpa doesn't explain everything eventhough I have asked him..But Mun haven't even unlocked it..unless..he doesn't know it..

Sung-Young then walked from her room to only see other counters eating and Jade waiting with them.

"Well..Look who is finally up.." said Mun.

"Look who is finally talking normaly to me.." said Sung-Young.


"Whatever! You know yesterday it rained so much that my hoodie was so wet!!"

"And I am the fault here?!"

"Yes!! You are the Iudex! You should be able to control the rain!!"

Hana and Jade looked at eachother and then they sighed..Hana got up from the table and then pinched Mun to his shoulder.

"You two should calm down..Look Jade is already here..She wanted to make breakfast for us..Then we promised to ask for joining us and explain everything..You too Sung-Young you better calm down."

Sung-Young then looked at Jade who was already at the table eating.


"Hmph! That means I won't forgive you easily Sung-Young..I will win you at the today's training.."



Why do I feel so guilty eventhough I am the Iudex..?

Sung-Young then sat down to chair and started eating. Hana decided to talk with Mun about his behavior to Sung-Young.

"Mun..You can't talk like that to Sung-Young.."

"Why not? She is the one who is leaving us.."

"I know how you feel but look.."

Mun then looked at Sung-Young who was eating such a slow pace and also a little.

"She has probably so much on her mind..already and you are making it worse..Think about it what she had to go us, finding out about her past and also fact she isn't a human.."

Hana then continued...

"Also a fact she found out that she has a family member who is still alive after believing that she didn't..Also all the loneliness and helping others..All of those things is putting her a pressure.."

Mun then looked at Sung-Young who was still quietly eating and not saying a word for Jade or other counters..

"Did she even have a time to do her own things? Or even time to see Jungjin..?"

That made something switch in Mun's mind. That was true..Did Sung-Young even had to time to herself? Was her responsibility being a counter and Iudex at the same time too much? Maybe..

Mun then walked to Sung-Young and the girl looked Mun confused.

"Sung-Young..Um..I am sorry..What I had said eariler.."

Sung-Young smiled a little..

"It's okay..I am at the fault here too..I didn't tell you guys my plans beforehand..Sorry.."

"What plans?" asked Jade.


Sung-Young then looked at Mun and then sighed.

"New Powers New People" (Mun x Hana) (Sung-Young x Jade)Where stories live. Discover now