Chapter 24 "Dohwi's dilemma"

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Dohwi was drinking some beer with his twin Dohee.

"So..What is the plan..?"

"What plan..?"

"Get those counters and get their souls or kill them.."

"Isn't one of them being your high school friend..?"

"Yes..That means..We have to kill her too before.."

"The Iudex finds out..who we are truly.."

"What we are going to do with a Iudex??"

"We have to stop the Iudex from fulfill her full potential..And not her becoming a full blooded dragon..Only that way we can make prophecy happen..We will do that prophecy could happen.."

"What about the thing about Dream-sight..?"

"The one who has it is the only one who can stop us..And I won't let that happen..I will took that Dream-sight away.."

"But who has it?"

"I don't know..But I have feeling that is someone who is from that noodle shop that my high school friend is working at.."

"But you don't know who has it?"

"Of course not!!"

(Dohwi..who is having anger issues..or something..)

"Geez..Calm down..I was just asking.."

Dohwi then looked at Dohee and smirked..

"Find that Iudex to me..So that I will put my plan to the work.."


"Or you can just be useless corpse who has many souls inside..That you could even give to me so I could gain more power..What is it Dohee..? Are you regreting this? And you call yourself a level 3..Tch..Eventhough we have done this in different countries too"

Dohee then standed up and shouted..

"Don't call me corpse..And don't underestimate me..Fine..I will find Iudex to you.."

"That's what I wanted to hear..Also..if you come across to my high school friend..Don't kill her just yet..I will handle her.."

"Whatever brother.."


Dohee then went to her own way while she heard a sinister laugh from her brother..

I know we are evil spirits but why does he has to laugh like a maniac..every single time..

What make them this way? Famous Park siblings who owned their own piano school were secretly mudering other people only way to get stronger..They couldn't stop..or rather there was no way they could stop..

They wanted to make this prophecy to happen no matter what..Because the evil spirits inside of them had been working on it on hundreds of years..And now that they know who the Iudex is makes things even easier..or that's what they thought..

Why Iudex is the key for the prophecy? Only the full blooded dragon can stop their drown all of Jungjin underwater..

What does Dream-sight have to do with this..? The one who has it have power to stop what happens after with Dohwi's and Do-hee's evil spirits..And is the one who can change their minds..Dohwi needed this power because he wants to control Iudex's mind and let the prophecy happen..

But for now everything was just a plans to make Jungjin suffer much as possible..

I want to make everything happen..The water which also is the life force can also destroy everything..

Dohwi's evil spirit was corrupted, old and most of all his hate towards humanity was long..His evil spirit was probably even more older than former Iudex..He had made everything to just to survive by jumping from host to host..For some reason this evil spirit was staying longer in Dohwi's body because it felt like with this body he could make his plan to work..

"Look at me Park Dohwi.." whispered evil spirit..

Dohwi then looked at the window and nodded..

"You have been doing great job so far..but.."

"Remember who's body you are using..Old man.."

"Don't get too cocky..Remember who's powers you are using..So let me explain.."

Dohwi nodded..

"What makes you stop getting closer to kill those counters? Is it because your high school friend is with them? You promised me to not to get too attached to her.. She is the one who make you weak Park Dohwi.."

"Shut up!!"

Dohwi stared at the window..

"I am just stating a fact..Park Dohwi..I been working hundreds of years..You don't want to be the weakest one right..?"

"Of course not.."

"Then listen..You need to hurry up..We need to hurry up..You yourself wanted get it..And kill those counters..That way you can get more power..Don't waste more time.."

"As you wish..Emperor.."

Then Dohwi's evil spirit dissapared from the window..

"What an idiot.." mumbled Dohwi himself.

In reality Dohwi had agreeded to evil spirit plan because he thought it would help Hana. It was one night he saw Hana, Mun, Mrs.Chu, Jaok-bong and Mo-tak fighting with multiple evil spirits..That is when he decided to workout more and one day he came a cross with the evil spirit who called himself "Emperor". Poor Dohwi then lost all reason and started even killing his own piano students..He wanted more and more..And believed that this was all for the good..The more power he gains the more dangers would put a way from Jungjin but it turned out to be opposite..

It was stupid of him but it was too late to realise that..All of those deaths had been already done..

"What would make Iudex to show her weakness? Or does she even have any weaknesses?..No! Everyone should have one weakness!! So she have one too.."

Then Dohwi raise from his chair and looked at the city of Jungjin..

"Oh...I know..Her family..I know what happend..It's that boy..What was his name again..Seo Mun..The boy who was with Hana..They are family right? Or that Mun is related to Iudex...That's it! I will kidnap that boy and stole way his elemental powers..and I will seal way his memories forever..So that counters don't get their power boost.."

Dohwi started going doing stairs of his house to their basement..What was in their basement..?

Bodies..Or rather people Dohee had brought from streets and killed them. Both of them needed souls right now since the counters had become more powerful..

"I hope this will help me to raise my level too..So that I will be more powerful than Seo Mun and Iudex.."

Dohwi then saw picture what had been stayed in down stairs..It was picture of him and Hana..

"No matter what it takes..Even if it takes your life too.."

(Chapter 24 "Dohwi's dilemma" 📝📍)

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