Stuffs and stuff

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Yeh I stay up till 3 and around 2 I start having anxiety. I wake up this morning and think nothing of it, except NOW. I'm so super shaky and I can't stop it. I'm pretty much writing this to calm myself down.. Does anybody else have panic attacks?
If you do could you just tell me some things that you do to calm yourself?
Square breathing doesn't work for me
It seems to make it worse.
What kinda helps is if I just walk around a bit.
And if I start to get to the point where I'm hyperventilating and taking those short choppy breathes someone HAS to get me to start talking.

This is an embarrassing subject, but more and more people are suffering by this and I really also just wanted to say a few things that help for me, and I'm going to list some things that trigger it as well

Sometimes it just happens, I don't know what triggers it (Like right now, I don't know what's wrong)
But there's things that trigger it that remind me of my past which is the reason why I have social anxiety
People usually assume that I'm pretty confident because I like to wear a little bit of bold makeup and I like to go on stage to sing and such, but people need to keep in mind that I'm doing that to help myself. When you're drawing attention to yourself on purpose it's not as bad, especially if it's for something that you enjoy doing a lot.
But really it's scary at first and then you feel a burst of excitement and you're like WOOOO and then you're all singing and happyyyyy!!!! Well, I don't know if you enjoy singing but I do. I really do.
Also, another thing I do to keep my mind off of panicking like a FREAK is drawing, writing a story, writing poems, or writing down song lyrics.
If you color or something that actually helps too, just because it keeps your mind off of it.
I'm not sure what other stuff you could do, breathing exercises do help they just don't help me. If you try it and they don't work or don't help I prefer that you try something that I listed above.

• drawing
• writing
• reading
• poems
• stories
• songs
• breathing exercises (possibly)
• coloring
• try a conversation if all of that doesn't work

Ayyyy this calmed me down 😄

Until next time,
•••••••••••••••••••• Aikaaaaaaa

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