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People put me down- and everyone okay- for things that they can't change about themselves.

So what? You may be short, tall, skinny, tubbie, flat chested, big ol blobs for boobs, no ass, bubble butt, long legs, short legs, dark skin, pale skin, pretty much transparent (aha me), etc etc.

So I may start:

"Sorry, I couldn't tell who you are with all that eyeliner on."
My eyeliner.. Oh! Maybe you should try some because your eyes are small and while you're at it SUCK MY ASS.

"Are you a girl, or a boy?"
*grabs my boobs* Oh, I don't know.. SUCK MY ASS.

"Dang, you have a fat ass."
Well, thank you for noticing it.. SUCK MY ASS.

"Stop listening to faggoty bands."
*holds up PTV shirts* SUCK. MY ASS.

"Why don't you actually wear COLORS?"
.. Because I don't want to be like you and be told by other bitches that you should SUCK MY ASS

"Oh my god, why do you listen to music like that?"
Because I'm pretty sure that you should *claps* *dances oddly* SUCK MY ASS

"Your lipstick is really dark."
Oh, I'm sorry, does blood red lipstick offend you? .. Did I ask for your opinion? No? Well in return, you can SUCK MY ASS.

Okay okay okay I'm done!
I'm done.
I hope this didn't kill anyone because - SUCK MY ASS- jkjkjk
That wasn't intentional I'm sorry
I'm so sorry

This is a tag I'm starting,
All you have to do is list things people have said to you that have offended you, then say something and tell them to SUCK MY ASS.

.......... It helps
It helped me anyway

Just tag 3-5 people when you're done
And I've kinda killed someone in the process of making this..

I'll tag her

Ashby_Love14 (because I love her lots and she can use this encouragement because I love her)


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