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This is dedicated to eliza-phancakes for being awesome and being strong :3

She's been through so much and is figuring out what she likes, what she is, and honestly she seems to not be afraid about who she is and she really shouldn't. Someone as perfect as her shouldn't be going through all of this, but she is and it's making her who she is along the way.

This chapter may be long and you're going to read it no matter how long it is.
It's a story.. OF MY LIFE
*que gasps
*gasps so much I pass out*
*sits back up*
NOW- this is going to be maybe possibly a little bit triggering if you *pulls out list* *clears throat* are dealing with depression, suicidal thoughts, eating disorders, anxiety, stuff..

Okay.. You're going to learn stuff you've never learned about me before. Except for a few people like drago49er, SkyeTheTsubaki, SenaBae, yah them

One day, March 25th to be exact, at around 6am, little Madison JoLee exited a vagina into a new world that isn't the womb of an evil being. But, instead, a room that smells of latex and bright lights piercing the poor babies eyes.

This baby, is the girl you know as Aika.

Maddie was born with 2 older sisters. Allison, and Katelyn, and out of the 3 siblings Maddie is the best.

Maddie was born very small, very pale, with huge deep blue eyes that peered up at her father the first time he held her and scared him to death.. Also, her tiny doll like lips that looked to be in a permanent pout. She was born with hair, but it was so blonde it was almost white so you couldn't see it very well. Her sisters teased her about it until her hair became darker.

Her sisters... Polar opposites.
Katie is sporty, musical, typical smart girl, beautiful and absolutely just- she's a bitch.

Allie is hilarious, scene, highly intelligent, beautiful, she doesn't have a care in the world about what people think about her and is very strong no matter how much she's been through.

Sorry for rambling about appearance and personality and such.. I'm just trying to dodge my past :c

Maddie was an all out goofball, a total ball of energy who never stopped making jokes.
She's a daddy's girl..

When she was almost a year old, her mother.. Did stuff.. Unspeakable things.. And Maddie's first memory with her mother is definitely not one anyone wants to remember, or should have gone through. Maddie shouldn't even be alive.. But here she is. Standing strong as she can be, and passing through like she's innocent.

Her parents got a divorce not to long after what happened, and little Maddie, even as a toddler, was aware of what her mother did to her and didn't even let her mother hold her. Whenever her mother tried to hold her she would kick and squeal until her mother gave up and handed her over to her dad, or Maddie just got to tired.

Skip ahead blahblahblahhhh

Maddie at school in 1st grade met a girl named Hayley. Maddie had social anxiety, but wanted to talk to her.
Luckily, Hayley came to her and introduced herself.
Soon after they became best friends.

Maddie found that after that she was getting bullied.
She didn't know why that after she became friends with Hayley, she started to be bullied.

Then in second grade, Sena moved to the town Maddie lived in and they became friends. But the bullying was getting worse.
Hayley then began to bully her slightly.
Maddie was crushed and was falling into grief very slowly.
Hayley began to physically hurt her. Pushing her down, kicking her, punching her, until one day Maddie had enough.
See, Hayley's dad is dead and was killed when Hayley was 5 in a car crash. Hayley had this locket necklace he gave her, and Hayley was also wearing a necklace with a silver chain and a rainbow charm.
Maddie was so infuriated by Hayley that she grabbed both necklaces and snapped the chains right off her neck with a single tug.
Hayley cried, and Maddie felt like a ton of bricks fell on her because of the guilt.
But then, Hayley clawed her nails into Maddie's arms and slammed her against metal poles.
Time, after time, after time, Maddie's head hit the pole over and over and over again, until Hayley got to tired and dropped her. Letting Maddie slide down in pain.
Hayley kicked her in the stomach before walking off..
Maddie found that she couldn't stand due to the pain she was in, but still felt the guilt about breaking the chain on the necklace.

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