Questions asked

20 3 10

People have asked about my scars from cutting,
Due to the chapter about my life you all understand why I did and trust me there was a lot more to my life than what I put in that chapter, I didn't want to list a lot of it to save myself from my worst memories
But I did list a fraction of what happened in that chapter for you

3 most frequently asked questions

1) How many there are
2) Where they are
3) Did I label myself as I did

1) 5 on my arms
I tried counting them on my thighs but there's to much
I got to 21 before realizing that I'm giving up
2) arms and thighs mhm
3) I did in fact label myself as I cut because there are just so many labels people used
(Bitch, worthless, attention whore, skank, ugly, etc etc) and I did feel like a disappointment and worthless because they used labels against me

4) How I got over it

4) I became closer with THE RIGHT people this time (Sena and Skye and Gary) and now I have been clean for.. A long time TADA
I don't wanna do math and figure it out
That's hard

It's summer break SHEESH

I don't know if this explained it enough or naw but TRALALA there ya GO

Baaaai Ping Dings :3

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