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Do you live that sad life when you can't leave the house without looking as close to perfect as you can or you will have a panic attack when someone looks at you
Or if you're left alone for 2 minutes in silence and you suddenly feel the need to leave a scratch or two on your arms or thighs or sides
Or you have that one parent you're terrified to be around because of what they've done to you
Or can't eat because your mind has made you believe that for the past 2 days your stomach is full and if you eat one bite you'll throw up
Or you have a boyfriend which sure is happy and such because you realize someone finally loves you but then when you need him most he's not there to cheer you up or wipe away your tears
Or when you go somewhere and have a panic attack and people tell you "Well if you put down that phone of yours and be more social you won't be in this situation,"
You can't get rid of social anxiety
It doesn't just go away
Social anxiety is a mental illness that needs to be treated with pills or something
But, they can't tell if you have a broken leg if you aren't wearing the cast
Metaphorically speaking there, people can't see Social Anxiety, Depression, all of that, because they're mental illnesses and can't be seen by other people. When you have on a cast people can tell that you're restricted from doing things. Without it people assume you can do anything and be just fine.

(Sorry for ranting but my family got on to me for having social anxiety.)

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