Past/Paranormal Hauntings

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Okay.. I'll explain here.

When I was little, I can only remember it happening when I was about 3, I used to always have these really bad nightmares. It was about the same "guy" each time.
You know "shadow people"? Yeah it was a guy like that.
He was just a silhouette who stood there and even though no eyes were seen, I knew he was watching me.
1) when I was around 6-7 years old I remember having a nightmare and I ALWAYS have lucid dreams. Always have. Every night. And this time I had no control over what was happening. He was there and I was trying to hide under my sheets and he pulled them off of me. Okay, his voice sounded like a 1930's radio with the static and such and it cut out and shit like that. He asked "Why're you trying to hide? I'm always watching. I'm always here."
I then woke up, looked at the closet door, and it opened a little by itself. And there appeared, you guessed it, the creepy shadow man.

I don't know how I ever live through this shit.

Okay, I was texting someone about what happened an hour ago or longer or shorter I don't even know like RIGHT AFTER IT HAPPENED and I'm just going to copy and paste so you can see/read what I just went through:

Well I decided to take a little nap
Ya know
I was lucid dreaming- the usual

I don't even know what happened
I showed up somewhere
And then I opened a door
And I ended up in a field ?
Someone was there that I don't recognize but was really familiar ? And they were telling me to get to them

So I was walking to them- even though they were at a fat a distance- and
(I'll explain this part; every time I had a nightmare when I was a small child the same shadow man thing was there, and I remember when I had those nightmares I'd wake up and look at the closet and the door would open and I'd see a little of that shadow thing)
- the same fucking shadow ended up right I front of me

I ended up somewhere else
The shadow followed me
I started getting really claustrophobic mixed with a panic attack
Then I woke up
And couldn't breathe
I was gasping for air and I just couldn't get at least half of a full breath

Then I stood up
Started to be able to breathe
Laid back down
Fell back asleep

But I started dreaming in my old room and how it was decorated back when I was younger
I walked downstairs and found my dog Puppy slaughtered on the ground and just yep
I went up to my room and Kate (shared a room with her) was murdered

I went to Allies room and she wasn't even there
Then went into my dads room and he was laying in bed with blood spilling out of his mouth and a knife in his chest

I was just thinking like "Where's Allie? Where did she go?" She was GONE
I couldn't control my dream or anything I was not lucid dreaming anymore
But I heard dads voice and he said that she was at a friends house ?
And I was like "What are you doing you're supposed to be dead."

Allie never came back

My dream switched and I was back in my bed
Then I pulled the blanket over my head because I felt that the shadow thing was after me again

I woke up AGAIN,
And I hadn't opened my eyes yet
My body felt boiling hot
I couldn't lift my body
I then opened my eyes and the figure was in front of me again
I started being pushed down

My shoulders were sinking into the mattress
I started crying but I couldn't sniffle or scream out or anything it was just tears streaming down my face seriously a never ending flood coming down an emotionless face

Then the figure talked
But it's voice sounded like a 1930's radio and was cutting out with a lot of static and such
And it was called out to me

Towards me
But not calling me by my name
I fully knew it was talking to me though
I don't even know
But what's really really odd is that it was calling me Scarlet
But with some letters missing so it was like "Car-let"

Then it repeated and was like "Sssss-scar-let"
My temperature started rising more
My temples started burning but 30x worse than it normally would

I started shaking a lot and then my eyes started wanting to roll to the back of my head
I wouldn't let them I let forcing myself to look forward at the figure
I was starting to give in because the force was to much
Then it started letting up
Then I felt a really cold hand placed in the upper middle of my chest and then it started to curl into a claw and then was all gone completely
But the figure stayed
I closed my eyes and opened them again then it was gone

I'm going to do research
Because I don't understand why it would be calling me Scarlet

Found a chick
She looks to be from possibly the 40's or earlier

I did research on her
Her name is Scarlet
Her last name was McL- something something I forgot
She died before-during the Holocaust because she and her family were against Hitler
She was Scottish born then moved to Poland when she was 14-15 and died when she was in her early 20's

Do I look like her?
Hmm.. Slight resemblance in the cheek bones and body structure

Does it follow me from my past lives..?
Was I once this Scarlet chick.

I'm going with either ancestor or "past life"
Though I can't find any trace of her in my family (we have this huge ass document that dates back to the 1600's possibly earlier I dunna I didnt sure past the 1800's)
I don't know I just can't find her anywhere in my family
I tried
I failed
The closest I got was to a Sage something who died in the early 1800's

She may be an ancestor
My moms side?

Because she looks like my grandma when she was 20
Even though that was like the 70's

Yeah that's that
I'll post a pic of the girl
If it works

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