Thought/Rant something lets say 7

20 1 4

I'm back to this FOR NOW because I have a thought

.. What did cave women do when they were on their period?



They didn't have clothing so that wouldn't work

Just imagine walking around naked and you're like "AHHHHH such a good day-" then you feel the peeing sensation and you just stop in place and then it's DRIPPING DOWN YOUR LEG and then you're stuck wherever your home is for the next week or so.. or longer.. 

Hey, my sister is like me and had her period for 2 months. 

I swear to God if I get that..

I know someone who'd hate that because they have to deal with me.

Any guesses?

..Maybe.. Maybe not.... I don't know what you're thinking about.

Okaaaayyyyy anyway.. But what would they do? What did they do? What if they had cramps. Baaaad fucking cramps. Then what do they do?

I asked my great grandma what she did for her period when she was younger; she said they used sheets... Okay.

Yeah Imma shut up

I talk like a dipshit when I'm on my period

so honestly I don't know what I'm talking about

this most likely isn't funny

I took this very seriously and I have had this question stuck in my head since 4th grade because I'm a dumbass and wonder stuff


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