Snickers and Spicy Ramen

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I made spicy ramen
My dad tried it and couldn't handle it
He has a higher tolerance for spicy food than I do so he just surprised me with that
And then me
I'm just
Yummz this is nice

I think it's because he like inhaled it
And I'm a slower eater so I took my sweet time

He gave me snickers

Halloween is coming up and I'm EXCITEDDDD


Imma be Totoro.

If the onesie ever comes dear LORD.

I say that a lot now

I went to Holiday World with Skye yesterday.
We were walking towards a section and she didn't TELL ME
She just watched him closely.
And she said that he would look back at me then whisper to his friend
He came up behind me
And said, "Hello, ma'am?" (Pfft I'm a ma'am. That sounds so WEIRD)
And Skye and I turned around
He asked how old I was
I lied because I'm nice.
I only lied by 1 year sheesh
I wanted to at least make it believable
He said "I just wanted to let you know that you're really pretty,"

Ha he ignored Skye at all costs :D

I'm not sorry for that XP

It's fun to rub it in her face

And then later that day we told her (our) mom and she laughed and made fun of Skye for it. Just a few little jokes.

Then I spent the night with Skye
And fell asleep at a very early time
Then woke up at 5
(I assume I woke so early because I had a nightmare and just don't remember it? That's very unusual for me to not remember a nightmare though)

The thingy majiggy above is Skye and I laughing after I accidentally punched her in the face.

Random Thoughts of a Teenage Girlحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن