Why I changed my name to Brenda | BrendaX3

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A few years ago a teacher that I had was sick, and gone, and we had a substitute of course.. She cannot remember names to save her life. Is that all I need to say? Yes, probably, but I'll tell the story anyway.

I already said this, so yeah teacher sick, substitute, blah blah BLEH. And this is NOT the first time the substitute had filled in for this class. So I don't know WHY she thought my name was this. 

It was English, second period, and she was calling on people to read which is very stupid because we read in the book by ourselves anyway when there's a substitute, but she decided it would be "fun" to torture us poor children. She was saying everybody elses names just fine, getting them right, until she got to me. 

"Okay, you can read the next paragraph.. Brenda."

I peeked up, and she was looking straight at me.

I looked at her clearly puzzled, and she just raised her eyebrows.

Someone else in my class finally spoke up after a moment of silence and said that there was no Brenda in our class, or in the SCHOOL for that fact.

Later that day, she continued calling me Brenda.

That got other teachers who haven't met me yet to start calling me Brenda.

"Hey, Brenda, could you help me take these books to the library?"

"Brenda! Thank GOD I caught you, I need someone to take these papers to the office while I watch this class."

This also got people teasing me, and going along with the clueless others and called me Brenda.

Then, at the end of the day, I was walking to my grandparents house that day, and someone yelled "Brenda" at the top of their lungs.

I ignored them, and they continued.

I finally turn around and they're like "BRENDAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!"



.. I'm done, I will not correct anybody else anymore.

On the bright side everybody knows me by my real name now and forgot about this! Except that one substitute .-.

Imma die if she calls me Brenda again.

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