Chapter 62: Non-Human?

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'There it goes again; that power, the same as when I fought against Sebas. What is it?' Mused Diddy with a frown as he retracted his bo-staff and closed his eyes to focus intently.

I tried to find the source of the power that emanated from me, though, unfortunately, other than figuring out it resides somewhere within my mind, I was clueless. Also, after a few seconds, the power started retreating back inside me before eventually vanishing from my senses, which I intensely disliked, as I hated not having control over my abilities, one of the reasons why I'm so good at manipulating the lightning in my body.

'Tch, unfortunate, but it's fine; next time it appears, I'll know where to search. Though I may be theorizing too early, it seems reactive to possibly my mentality or desires.' Thought Diddy with slightly furrowed brows as he holstered Naga-sa onto his back before focusing on the three in front of him.

"We understand, Captain." Stated Grand, Scar, and Trenza simultaneously in utmost seriousness, and despite Trenza's annoyance, they saluted to Diddy, something he's gotten used to but still finds weird.

"Good; now then, go back to doing whatever you were doing before." Said Diddy with a nod as he attempted to walk away, though Grand called out to him before he could leave.

"Umm, Captain; you practically ignored it during your speech, but what did you mean by Scar is the only normal one?" Asked Grand as the three looked at Diddy in confusion and curiosity.

"I meant what I said; among you three, Scar is the only normal one; you and Trenza are different compared to him and everyone else aboard the ship." Replied Diddy as he turned around and eyed them, though his words hardly appeased their curiosity.

"We understand that Captain; we want to know how we are different? We've known each other most of our lives, and I'm rather confident we would've figured out if one of us were unique. Besides Grand's large stature and the horizontal scar across my forehead, there is nothing special about either of us." Stated Trenza with a frown as she pointed at Grand before lifting her bangs, which covered her forehead, concealing a decently sized scar.

"Tch, what do you want me to say? If I knew how you two were different, I wouldn't be playing this back-and-forth game, would I? All I know is that both of you smell different from a human; Grand still has the smell of a human mixed in with that other foreign scent. But you, Trenza, don't smell anything like a human; your scent is entirely foreign, making me wonder whether you're even human at all." Declared Diddy with a frown while pointing at Grand before pointing at Trenza, his words surprising the three as they found such a revelation hard to believe.

"W-Wait! C-Captain, a-are you saying I-I'm not human!?" Exclaimed Trenza with widened eyes, her body trembling from such news, though before anything happened, a golden brown tail slapped her across the face, causing a red mark to form on her cheek.

"Stop acting so scared; none of us here know for sure whether you're human or not, and does it matter if you're human? It's not like you're suddenly going to change now that you know you're not human; again, I don't know if you're human or not; these are just theories. Theories I greatly believe in, but I could still be wrong, besides, being a human sucks; I speak from experience." Remarked Diddy as he retracted his tail while looking at the Trenza, who was rubbing her cheek in pain.

"Now, stop asking questions. I want to rest; I'm still exhausted from my training." Added Diddy as he glanced at the three before walking toward the other side of the ship while his tail swayed slightly with each step.

Once I reached the other upper deck, I walked past Freya and Sebas, who were still conversing with each other, and leaned Naga-sa down beside me as I lay inside the hammock.

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