Chapter 170: Diddy's Pain?

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Watching Trenza bang her head against the golden door while grunting in pain, I couldn't help but frown; I had no idea or even an inkling as to what had happened with her. It wasn't Enel, Sebas, and I would've noticed, nor did someone attack her mind while somehow evading my senses; after all, Sebas was literally right behind her when she collapsed in pain.

Seeing Trenza in such pain without being able to link it to a cause angered me more than it should've as I grabbed Naga-sa, raising it into the air while coiling it in lightning.

"Sebas, take Trenza and back away." Declared Diddy with a slightly livid expression as he glanced at Sebas, who swiftly nodded, floating Trenza in the air while gazing at his bo-staff, which was pulsing in destructive intent.

Once Sebas and Trenza were a distance away, I tightly gripped Naga-sa before using all of my strength to swing down toward the golden door, timing my swing with the pulsing of my heart to increase my might further. When the attack landed, a massive surge of lighting exploded into the air while the entire structure trembled as the tip of my bo-staff struck the golden doors, which had cracks strewn across their body before they were suddenly blasted apart, unable to resist my power.

Once the door was destroyed, a decent-sized room was revealed, and at the center was a golden pedestal; though, I didn't concern myself with what was atop the pedestal as I turned back and looked at Trenza and Sebas, who had come floating back.

"Tch, it didn't work." Muttered Diddy with a click of his tongue as he swung his bo-staff at the ground, creating a significant dent within the golden floor while slight arcs of lightning emerged.

"Sebas, you should be able to stop the pain, right?" Asked Diddy with a scowl as he looked at Trenza writhing in pain on the ground before looking at Sebas, who was doing his best to soothe her.

"Yes, I can, but it's only a temporary solution; we'll only be getting rid of the pain, not what's actually causing the pain; besides, without the pain, we'll have no idea where the source originated from. However, even if none of that matters, if we don't find a solution fast, the pain will continue to accumulate, and when I finally retract my mind, she'll be bombarded with all the accumulated pain in one go; if it were you, Mael, or Freyja, it wouldn't have mattered, you three are a glutton for punishment, but not Trenza, her mind could be permanently damaged if she received such a massive amount of pain in one go." Declared Sebas with a pained expression as he nodded, doing his best to soothe Trenza while searching through her mind, trying to find the source of pain, though his attempts were futile.

Grunting in annoyance, raising Naga-sa into the air again, I gripped it tightly before taking a deep breath, calming myself as I lowered my bo-staff back onto the ground while leaning against it, trying to figure out what was wrong with her.

'Tsk, if Sebas can't find what's wrong with her, then what will I be able to do?' Mused Diddy with a slight frown as he crossed his arms, glaring at Trenza writhing about on the ground while grabbing her head and shutting her eyes.

'Maybe I can try my, haki?' Pondered Diddy in uncertainty as he furrowed his brows while looking at Trenza before shaking his head and closing his eyes.

I had no idea if my theory would work, and it was more of a long shot than anything, but I decided I might as well, so I closed my eyes and held my nose shut as I focused on my surroundings; following that, I slowly began to see everything through my instincts, or also known as observation haki, something I'm quite inept in, but it was an improvement from when I first used it.

Focusing on Trenza, although I hoped to see something, all I got was nothing worth noting; from what I could see, she looked exactly the same. I could sense her life force more clearly, and I could even read her intentions, something I hadn't noticed the first time I used observation haki, but other than that, I was utterly blind regarding the reason behind her pain. Opening my eyes, I released a frustrated growl as I slammed my fist into the golden wall, denting it in the process, before looking at Sebas.

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