Chapter 183: Finally Completed

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Feeling a large amount of wind hitting my back, almost as if I was falling, I snapped my eyes open while flipping myself, only to see that I was indeed falling to the ground; looking around, I spotted the destroyed golden bell falling as well as an unconscious Luffy off to my right, which caused the scene of him and I punching each other to replay within my mind.

'Fuck me, that was one hell of a punch; it managed to knock me out.' Mused Diddy with a slight frown as he rubbed his cheek, which was still very sore.

Rubbing my jaw a little, I shook my head before kicking the air beneath me, propelling me into the sky while Nimbus promptly appeared beneath me while keeping me afloat as I watched Luffy and the destroyed bell fall to the ground, seeing the two crash into the ground, I couldn't help but grin as the golden bell destroyed the bonfire and everything around it.

"Hehe, I may have been knocked unconscious, but I still achieved my desired result." Muttered Diddy with a satisfied smirk as he leaped off of Nimbus and fell to the ground, landing right atop the destroyed golden bell.

Looking around at the demolished scenery, I spotted my crew along with the Strawhats in the distance, completely unscathed thanks to Sebas, while everyone else had run far enough away to survive the impact; clicking my tongue, I hopped down from the top of the bell and landed on the ground, right beside where Luffy was.

Grabbing him by the shoulder, I tossed him towards his crew; it was only thanks to my crew and myself that he managed to achieve that level of strength, though maybe he'll be capable of reaching even greater heights in the future from his own strength.

'I hope he does; I'll love it if he turns out to be someone powerful; he'll be another strong prey for me.' Thought Diddy with a feral smile as he looked at Luffy, only to suddenly tilt his body to the left, dodging a ball of inky black flames, which landed on the ground right behind him.

"Tsk, dammit." Muttered Freyja in annoyance as he shook her hand, dispelling the inky black flame from her fingers while looking at Diddy, who was frowning in annoyance.

"Tch, if you're going to sneak attack me, Freyja, at least try; I'm not fond of these half-assed attacks of yours; are you actually trying to kill me, or are you in love with me? Which one is it?" Remarked Diddy as he folded his arms and eyed Freyja, only to dig his feet into the ground and outstretch his hand, stopping her from charging at him head first.

"Is this better, you fucking bastard?" Asked Freyja with an irritated expression as she glared at Diddy in her Satan Soul form, powerfully flapping her wings, creating powerful gusts of wind, yet she still wasn't able to push him back.

"Yes, but you should know direct attacks won't ever work on me; you're too weak for that." Replied Diddy with a grin as he lifted his leg and grabbed Freyja's horn with his foot before violently slamming her into the ground, causing the entire area to tremble.

"Though I'll give you a passing score for effort." Added Diddy with a feral smirk as he eyed Freyja, who, despite trying to stand up, wasn't strong enough to push against his leg, which just ended up with her cracking the ground.

"FREYJA-SAN!" Yelled Sanji angrily as he leaped towards Diddy, ready to kick him.

Looking at Sanji, I squinted my eyes before releasing my haki, using the color of the supreme king, knocking not only Sanji but every single one of the Strawhats unconscious as they slumped to the ground; however, the drunk swordsman, Zoro, was able to resist my haki for a few moments, though he too, eventually fell.

Releasing my hold on Freyja, I kicked her in the face, flinging her right towards my crew, though before she collided with anyone, she spread her wings, bringing her to an immediate halt.

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