Chapter 177: Trenza's Species!

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Approaching Trenza, I grabbed her by the shoulders while intently eyeing her forehead, causing her to nervously fidget as she looked back at me.

"Um, I-I'm not in trouble, am I Captain?" Asked Trenza softly as she sported her friendliest smile while tilting her head and looking up at Diddy, her cuteness on full display.

"No, you're not; also, stop trying to act all cute, Trenza; you're 28 pushing 30, you fossil." Replied Diddy with a frown as he glanced at Trenza's face before looking back at her horizontal scar while she and Robin both frowned at his words.

"28 is quite young, Chaos Kong." Said Robin with a slight frown as she stopped reading and glanced at Diddy, who completely ignored her while Sebas stood beside her, chuckling to himself.

"Tch, yeah, what Robin said, Captain; I'm still a very young, beautiful woman. I-I just have a bad back, that's all." Stated Trenza with an ugly expression as she folded her arms and glared at Diddy, half a mind to shoot him in the face, though she held back, figuring now wasn't the best time given his solemn expression.

'I may be overthinking, but that scar, it's definitely not normal, not to mention it slightly protrudes.' Thought Diddy with furrowed brows as he gently rubbed his hand across Trenza's forehead, feeling a subtle bump.

Grabbing Trenza by the neck, I lifted her into the air before placing her on the ground, slightly taking her back as she grabbed my arm while warily looking at me.

"C-Captain, w-what are you doing?" Asked Trenza nervously with an audible gulp as she eyed Diddy, Sebas furrowing his brows while Robin stopped reading and watched in interest.

"Care to explain what you're doing, Captain? You did say you know what was wrong with Trenza; does this possibly involve fixing her problem?" Questioned Sebas as he neared Diddy, and Trenza glanced between the two, though the father-daughter duo frowned when they saw Diddy raise his finger, pointing his deadly razor-sharp nails at Trenza.

"Remember how I said you didn't have the scent belonging to humans, Trenza?" Said Diddy lightly as he traced his nail across Trenza's forehead, causing her to nod cautiously while Sebas frowned with a slightly confused expression.

"Y-Yeah, you said I most likely aren't human; b-but what does this have to do with my supposed pain from seeing those ancient words?" Asked Trenza as she glanced at Diddy, who faintly, before looking up at Sebas, who seemed just as confused as her.

"Robin here had just said that what you're experiencing is something only a member of the three-eyed tribe undergoes when they awaken the ability to read the ancient language. You don't have three eyes, Trenza, but take into account that you don't have the scent of a human; your eyes are exceptionally powerful, better than even mine, and that weird horizontal scar, I don't think we need to be a genius to realize something is up." Declared Diddy with a faint grin as he looked at Trenza before resting his nail against her scar while Sebas suddenly widened his eyes in revelation.

"You're suggesting Trenza is a member of the Three-eyed Tribe Chaos Kong?" Asked Robin with an interested and slightly skeptical look as she squatted down and observed Trenza.

"Yes. I think something happened when she was young that caused her skin to grow over her third eye, and since she can't open her third eye, it's inhibiting her ability to fully undergo her so-called awakening, leaving her in a state of constant and intense pain." Replied Diddy seriously with a nod as he glanced at Robin to his side before scrunching his face in pain.

"It was to protect her." Muttered Sebas with an understanding look, his words gathering the trio's attention as they looked up at Sebas.

"Are you going to elaborate or what?" Asked Diddy with an annoyed expression as he glared at Sebas, who nodded before squatting down next to Diddy on the opposite side of Robin.

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