Chapter 175: News!

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While the Frenzy and Strawhat Pirates were exploring the mythical Sky island thousands of meters in the air, on the ground, the W.E.N.P, also known as the World Economic News Paper, just released world-breaking news that shocked everyone who read it to their very core; coincidentally the Frenzy Pirates Wanted poster just so happened also to be spread around the globe.

"ZEHAHAHAHAHA!! Chaos Kong, what a madman!" Yelled Blackbeard as he roared with laughter while sitting on the deck of his ship, reading a newspaper.

"There is no way for this to be true; could he really have done something so suicidal?" Muttered the man wearing a hat with a rifle strapped to his back as he stared at his own newspaper in astonishment, awe, and fear while gazing at a single picture.

"Zehahahah; I don't know about other people, Van, but Chaos Kong? I may have only fought him briefly, but I'm willing to bet my arm he did so! Zehahaha, besides, that explains the massive jump and change to his bounty." Remarked Blackbeard with a wicked smile as he glanced at the man to his right before once again roaring with laughter as he glanced at the seven bounties sprawled on the deck of his ship.

"But still, killing a Celestial Dragon? I can't even fathom words to describe how utterly ridiculous that is, yet you intend to fight someone like this, Captain?" Declared Van with an ugly expression as he stared at the image of Diddy holding the head of Saint Xalrons while smiling and standing atop his fat body.

"Heh, I never intended to fight him; he wishes to fight me, though I'll admit I've been underestimating him just because he was a rookie. Next time we clash, I'll make sure to take him seriously." Said Blackbeard with a faint smirk as he closed the newspaper, tossing it overboard before staring at Diddy's new bounty while his face took on a solemn expression.

"Captain! The Marines from before are still chasing us!" Yelled a large man from the upper deck as he pointed behind him to where a few marine ships were sailing in the distance.

"Tch, and because of him, we've not got to deal with marines and whoever that old man sent after us." Muttered Blackbeard in annoyance as he grumbled under his breath and stood up while wisps of blackness emerged from his hand.

"Lindbergh, Chaos Kong is the one you fought with in Centaurea?" Asked a man wearing a dark cloak as she stood atop a tall building in the middle of a thunderstorm while holding a transponder snail and a folded newspaper.

"Yes. If I had chased after him, I'm confident I could've killed him, but I had deemed taking over Centaurea to be more important, and I had thought I made the right call, but now I don't know." Said the transponder snail while Lindbergh was sitting in a tent in Centaurea, looking at the same newspaper.

"No, you made the right call; this is good; with the death of a Celestial Dragon, it'll break the belief that they're invincible to the public. Now, it'll be easier to build our forces and gather more allies; this is a blessing in disguise." Stated the man with a faint smirk on his face, half of which was covered by a vertical tattoo.

"I suppose you're not wrong, Supreme Commander Dragon, though he does worry me. You didn't fight him like I did; he isn't strong now, but his growth and talent for battle are terrifyingly impressive; it's far greater than any Mink I've ever encountered. I've got no doubt that, under the right conditions, he'll become a powerful pirate in a few years." Stated Lindbergh with a nod while voicing his concern as he looked at his desk, eyeing the seven wanted bounties of the Frenzy Pirates.

"I understand your concern, but it's pointless to worry; even if he happened to become an enemy in the future, I doubt he'll live long enough. He had killed a Celestial Dragon, something that's never been done since the creation of the World Government roughly 900 years ago; it's unfortunate since he would prove to be a powerful ally, but the Marine and the World Government will never allow him to roam freely." Replied Dragon, the supreme commander of the revolutionary army, also known as the most wanted and dangerous man in the world.

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