Chapter 171: Flying Nimbus!?

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Holding the side of my face, I grunted before removing my hand and grabbing a piece of the broken door and clenching with all of my might, hoping it could be used as a stress reliever for the pain in my head; unfortunately, I overestimated the hardness of gold, and I happened to crush it, causing me to lightly growl in frustration before glancing back at Trenza.

"Trenza, the pain you were feeling before; where was it coming from?" Asked Diddy with a frown as he eyed Trenza, his words breaking her attention away from the destroyed door lying on the ground before she looked at him.

"My head and eyes; why do you ask, Captain?" Replied Trenza with a nod before tilting her head and giving Diddy a confused look, causing him to furrow his brows, the same as with Sebas.

"I was just curious, that's all. Those words, Trenza, do you know what it's saying? You seem to be interested in it a lot." Remarked Diddy as he aggressively tapped his feet on the ground while eyeing Trenza, who nervously gulped, thinking he was annoyed with her, which wasn't too far from the truth.

"I-I don't know the words, Captain; t-they just look very familiar, on an instinctual level, something you probably know about better than I do." Said Trenza lightly as she glanced at Diddy before looking at the words on the golden door, causing him to wince slightly.

Grunting, I looked away and pondered what the hell was causing this pain, which is proving to be difficult when it feels like your head is constantly being hammered and your eyes gouged out.

'Those words, it definitely has to do with those words, but what the hell is so special about a bunch of old words on a golden door?' Pondered Diddy with a permanent scowl from the constant pain while his face twitched before he eventually shook his head.

As annoying as it was, Sebas is the most knowledgeable among us, and if he can't figure out what's wrong with Trenza, I will be in the same boat, if not sailing further behind him. So, with a click of my tongue and a slight growl, I turned towards the golden pedestal at the end of the room, hoping maybe whatever was on it could relieve Trenza's, well, currently, my, pain.

"You two can head in; now that I've gotten a better look at these writings, they do look oddly familiar. I've definitely seen these somewhere before." Remarked Sebas with a thoughtful expression as he gazed intently at the golden door while Trenza looked at him in surprise.

"Eh, these words also look familiar to you, Father?" Asked Trenza with slightly wide eyes as she looked at Sebas, who nodded before flashing her a faint smile.

"Yes, I do, Trenza, but it's different from you; I've definitely seen this written language somewhere before, that I'm certain of; it's just a process of sorting through my mind and finding the memory." Replied Sebas lightly as he glanced at Trenza while rubbing his bearded chin before focusing back on the golden door.

"Hmph, well, you better find something." Stated Diddy as he eyed Sebas and glanced at Trenza before turning around and heading deeper into the dimly lit room, approaching the golden pedestal.

The poorly lit room did nothing to hinder my eyes, as I was still able to see perfectly despite it being in the dark; approaching the golden pedestal, I stood before it and just tilted my head as I gazed at the object; if I could even call it as such. Hovering, or floating a foot above the golden pedestal, which was about the size of me, was a yellow fluffy cloud; it looked very comfortable, I'll admit, though the longer I stared at it, the more intense the calling became, even my heart started to beat faster against my own accord.

Eyeing the yellow cloud, I did something stupid, yet something I felt was the most natural thing to me, equal to that of whenever I wield Naga-sa; I outstretched my hand towards the fluffy cloud, and the instant I touched it, a word or name appeared in my mind; instinctually, I uttered the name.

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