Won't You Set Me Free?

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When I wake up, I'm a dog again.

I crawl out from my dress and I see Jisoo already awake and sitting on top of her dress.

"Hello!" I say happily and she grumbles and looks away.

I hit her with my paw. "Don't be like that! It's only 7 days!"

She looks back at me and growls, "That's way too many."

I smile and turn my gaze to the door. "Let's go out. Come on! Poor Rosie and Lisa!"

"Poor Rosie and Lisa?! What about me?!" She whines.

I give her a look. "Don't be a big baby. Come on! We need to escape! On the count of three, we sprint out okay?!"

She nods and we both turn to the door. "1......2......"

"Hello! Have you seen a green and blue dress? The green one is branded Chanel and the blue one is Dior. They're very expensive!"

I hold breath. It's Gu-won's voice.

The receptionist says, "I don't know but I did see 2 women wearing a green and blue dress?"

"Yes! That's it!"

"They....um.....they asked for a storage closet," she says.

I look at Jisoo and she widens her eyes like me.

"Great!" He says. "Which one?"


"No more three! We just spring out when he comes here!" I say and she immediately nods.

We hear footsteps coming closer and closer until the door opens wide and he gasps.

We run out and there are screams and a mad rush amongst the overcrowded lobby. We duck under a luggage cart and move our way through people as they shout and jump from us.

We rush out through an open door until we're met with the chilly weather.

Jisoo sighs. "I miss being human."

I look at her. "Me too."


We go around to the back and find Lisa and Rosie huddled together near a machine.

I run over and lightly move Lisa. She wakes up with a quack and wraps her wings around me.

"Jennie!" She says excitedly. "You're a dog again!"

I pet her and turn my head to see Rosie curled on top of Jisoo's head.

I pull away from Lisa and laugh. "Awww! She looks adorable!"

Jisoo looks at me and it looks like her whole face brightens.

"So what should we do now?" I ask to all three of them.

Jisoo tilts her head side to side. "I don't know. There's no plot."

I laugh. "No plot? I'm sure there's plot coming up ahead. We just need to figure out how to get there."

"Maybe the plot will come together a bit more at the end of our 7 days?" Rosie asks.

We all three turn to her.

"What do you mean?" Lisa asks.

Rosie raises her small hands. "Well, usually we've been getting to a lot of high stakes stuff at the end of the 7 days. I don't know why but I think someone is messing with us."

I turn to Jisoo. "Do you think it's that fortune teller dude? He seemed creepy."

Jisoo's shakes her head. "I think we just have to get as close as we can to Virginia as possible before turning back permanently."

I nod. "Yes. Let's at least get through to Ohio and then we'll see from there."

She nods and we turn around to all walk but we don't know where to go.

I look at Jisoo. "Usually you have a plan. What about this time?"

She looks away from me. "I was...a bit distracted yesterday."

I move my head but she moves her face from me. I move it closer and she mutters, "Jennie. What are you doing?"

"Are you both going to be like this for the rest of our trip?" Lisa asks while I hear tiny clapping from Rosie.

I look back at them. "I plan it to be," I look back at Jisoo. "As long as she doesn't turn mean again."

Jisoo throws a look at me. "I wasn't mean....i was....guarded?"

"Why are you questioning yourself? Are you guarded or not?"

"I was guarded. I wasn't....sure...about....how I....felt?...about you."

I blink at her. "I have never heard a person give that many pauses before."

She growls and it makes me laugh.

Rosie scurries close and up onto Jisoo's back while Lisa waddles beside me.

"So we have to find a map?" I say. "How do we do that?"

Jisoo moves her head around and then sees a dude's phone. She jumps onto the bench and uses her teeth to grab the phone.

"HEY!" He shouts and starts running after her.

We start to follow her but she gives us a look and I wait with Lisa and Rosie on the side.

I smile at her turning a corner as we wait.

"Jisoo is coming back right?" Rosie asks worriedly.

I nod confidently. "Yes. Don't worry!"

We wait there for what felt like 10 minutes and Jisoo comes back in front of us panting.

"There....There...." She gasps loudly and pat her head with my paw.

"Slow down. We can slow down now okay?"

She nods and sits beside me and leans her head into my fur.

"We need to cross....to Ohio. That....I saw a truck parked in front of a store that....has stuff....stamped for Ohio."

I nod. "Good. Let's go there quickly then. Why did you have to steal the phone?"

"I was....going to use a GPS. But my paws...too big."

I laugh. "You're funny, you know that? Of course your paws will be too big! You should've told me before running off."

She nods. "Okay."

I blink. "Just like that? No argument?"

She shakes her head. "No argument. I don't want to argue with you anymore."

I smile. "Good for me then!"

After a few minutes, we all walked the distance to the truck and see it filled with boxes. I look at Jisoo and she braces herself as I hop onto her back and then into the truck. Lisa files with Rosie on her back and I hold out my paw for Jisoo.

She stares blankly at me. "Do you know how short your legs are?"

I chuckle awkwardly and pull it back inside. She goes to the side and drags a small box in front of the truck and hops on it. Jisoo jumps and looks like she'll barely make it so I dive forward and wrap my short front legs underneath her front one like I'm catching her by the armpits. She presses her paws to the truck floor and lifts herself up while I pull her in.

She smiles. "Thanks."

I shake my head and just see boxes. I sigh. "I miss the furniture truck."

Next to me Lisa says, "Me too."

Then Jisoo says cheerfully, "To Ohio we go!"

To be continued 😉

A/N: I'm going to be speeding up this time that they're a dog because like the characters said: there is no big plot. For these next 2 times they turn into dogs so the story will be quicker from now on.

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