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Error POV

I was home with my kids but my wife Susan was driving me up the wall asking if I been cheating on her I was getting feed up I went to my kids and sat down to play the ps5 we was playing the new game that just come out.

As my daughter asked if I was alright I just sigh and said no but just need to get away from Susan is all loyalty.

But the happens didn't last long when Susan started again this time it was directed at the kids I used my shield  to protect my two kids as Susan was holding a butcher knife in her hand. " Susan Put the knife Down have you gone Mad.?!?"

But all she did was ran at me with the butcher knife and slammed it into my shoulder as flex used his magic and stab his mother in the chest as his LV went up I couldn't stand I un summoned the shield as loyalty and Flex ran to me and teleported to my sister house and slammed the door open as ink and Geno ran to me.


" Error!!! "

I ran to my brother as he was laying down on the ground as Geno asked what happen to his father I heard everything I was about to go after his wife but Flex told me what he did I hugged Flex and loyalty as error took out the butcher knife I started to heal his arm.

As I helped error up onto the couch Flex went running to cray room to play with the ps5 me and loyalty both looked at each other and started to laugh about it.

" nightmare will be home soon error his work called him in. "

As I walked away I felt unbeliever sad and worried I told Geno an error that I be going for a walk so I left and went for a walk.

What is wrong with me why do I feel so upset it can't be time yet for me to have my monthly's so what the hell is going on.  As I was thinking this I sat down on the chair still in my own thoughts.

Nightmare POV

I teleported to ink she was sitting down on the chair park as I hugged her she jumped and hugged back as I kissed her deeply. " ink whatever you are thinking you know I will never do that to you I love you so much you know.!?! "

As I said that ink smiled and I pulled ink onto my lap as I told ink about my day as ink told me what had happen I was worried and wanted to kill error wife but Flex error son killed her I smiled and keep hugging into ink as I sucked and lick her neck thank god there was know one around to see what we was doing. I heard a small moan from ink as I turned her around and kissed her.

I moan into the kissed as I held onto ink and made her grind on my hard on as we teleported home and went to our room.

Horror POV

I was back in town looking for a house to stay in as I keep looking I noticed that my wife lust was also helping me but she fell asleep in the car as I went back to the car I started the car and went to see my good friend cross and killer as I knocked on the door kill-star open the door as she yelled out to her father but who is her father when we both heard cross and killer running I laugh at this as they both seen me.

" well hello boys I didn't know you had a child who the lucky wife ?" As I asked this they said dream I was shocked to know they both married dream I just helped lust into the guest room as I helped lust down on the bed. "

I lay down near lust as we both fell asleep.

Cill POV

I was playing with solo and Luke on the ps5 when my father walked into the room with mother as she sat down on the bed we both waited to see what was going on with mother as mother told us about her having another baby me and solo and cray along with Luke both hugged our mother tightly I was really happy to know this.

As mother got up father helped mother to there room I also got up and started to do my homework math was easy but as for Luke and solo it was hard for them so I helped the two out.

I love helping my brothers out with maths work as we was finished I hear a knock on the door it was midnight I hugged midnight as she looked confused I told her what is going to happen she smiled and said congratulations to us about the new baby that we are going to have.

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