Part 18

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Moonlight POV

I have moved out off my family house I was now living on my own as I was drawing for a new art landscape I heard the phone ring I answer the phone as it was midnight he told me that mother was in an accident and is in hospital I hanged up the phone and used my magic to lock up everything in my new house and teleported to the hospital.

There I seen my brothers and sisters trying to calm down father I asked how did this all happen.? But as father was about to tell me the nurse told us that we could go see her but she in a coma we all ran to mother as father walked into the room and sat down on the chair  holding mother hand I told my brothers and sisters to go out so I could ask what happened it mother.

" father tell me what had happen did someone do this to our mother.?"

Nightmare POV

"Ink was only going out to get you and your bothers and sisters a gift for always helping us but I heard loud screaming and yelling it was my ex and she used her magic to cut the brake on the car what ink was in. "

As I told moonlight this she had anger in her eyes and she started to turn into her shatter form I was to broken to even stop her I held onto my wife hand and pray to god that ink will be alright.  I heard a voice behind me it was error and killer along with everyone else I seen dream she try to calm down moonlight but she teleported off I just hope she will cool down.

I went back to praying for god to not take my beloved ink away as midnight and the others all sat beside me holding there mother hand also praying to wake up and be the normal loving wife she is.

Sprinkle POV

I walked out of the hospital and outside I seen a trail off ink like puddle as I keep walking I started to run knowing that it was moonlight who is in a rage I stoped at the tree of feelings as I seen moonlight sitting next to it I walked to moonlight as I hugged her tightly she was crying a lot I felt like she dose not know what to do with all this rage and anger.

" moonlight your mother is strong she will come out off the coma and if not then we will get her revenge for what that ex lady did to your mother. " as I said this she turned back to normal but it didn't last long when two people walked by talking about what happen it sent moonlight back into rage as her tentacle stab the two that was bad mouthing her mother and father she watched as they turned to dust with a smirk I don't really blame her  they deserved it.

Midnight POV

Father was not taken this so well he was losing hope I walked to mother room as I sat down on the chair as I held her hand I started to talk to mother asking her to wake up. But all I got was nothing I cry asking for someone to heal mother.

I fell asleep and was in this void as I looked around I seen mother and ran to her she only held her hand out to me and cry she was trying to tell me something that's when I heard the beeping it was mother life machine and doctors and nurses running into the room.


They pushed me out as my sister and brother along with father ran into the room but got pushed out mother was not looking good as the nurses and doctor's stop mother was gone.

I hugged starling and moonlight along with stain we were broken. Error had lost his sister now he determined to bring whoever did this down.

We went to the grave and said our goodbyes to mother our father stayed we couldn't do anything to help him.

Starling POV

I waited for father to come home I didn't understand what was going on until my sister moonlight told me that mother didn't make it I cry as father came home and picked me up. I hugged him tightly as I fell asleep in my father's arms. I was in my dream landscape when I seen a light shine brightly I ran to it as I seen my mother holding out her arms and I ran into them as I cry holding onto mother tightly.

" Why did you leave us mother father is really sad that you are gone why did you go !!"

As I cry in pain mother gave me something I held them in my hands as I looked down it was enchantment necklaces. As it was time to wake up I felt something in my hands it was the necklaces I ran to father and my sis and bro to give them the necklaces and one for error.

Father woke up as the necklaces open up and there we see mother.

Spirit POV

Dear nightmare and family

I'm sorry that I couldn't make it I try to not give up but my body was to weak to fight. I want you to know nightmare that you are the only one that I love and I loved our kids please don't blame yourself for my death it was your ex who did this to me muffet had slashed my soul I try.

Nightmare watch over our kids give them love and tell them I love them I'm so sorry I will always be with you and the kids. Starling moonlight midnight stain look after your father and my brother will you and watch out for each other I left you these enchantment necklaces for you to always remember me.

Love ink

I was crying again as I heard what mother said as father put the necklace on he felt stronger and so did I as moonlight and midnight ran into the room and hugged us I seen my brother stain he was to tired so I put on the necklace on him as he smiled and went to father.

After a while father got up and went to cook some food as our friends came over they also had the same necklaces around their necks I felt sad but happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27 ⏰

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