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Nightmare POV

While I was with my son and daughter we was at shopping for some gifts and goodies as moonlight and midnight both walked around I smiled and got some clothes for ink and me as I noticed the ink made plans for the girls night out as I called the gang up we made a plan to get our beloved wives something so we had to not get seen by our wife's.

As I was grab ink art supplies I seen Geno she was walking towards where reaper was so I teleport him to me as he looked at me and only looked to know that he was almost spotted.

We watch what Geno was doing she looked at the reaper teddy bear it was a lot off money to pay for that reaper smiled as Geno left and went somewhere else as reaper went to the tall reaper plush I looked at the price and it cost $99,000 I faint as I seen the price but reaper went to the checkout and pay for it.


I snapped out off it as I got my things and left but then I also wanted to give moonlight and midnight something so I teleported to the shop where they made necklaces I told the owner to put the photos in the love heart and it saying on the other side. "Loving family will always be with you at all time's"

As I waited for the necklaces I seen error he was with his kids as I watch them error looked upset I pay for the two necklaces and left I ran to error.

Error POV

I watch flex and loyalty looking around the place as I seen nightmare he was getting gifts for his family as we was talking Flex seen a skeleton girl being hurt by some gang he ran to save her as I used my strings to rip out there souls I helped up the girl she looked and said "error is that you " I was amazed that outer was back I back up as outer smiled and asked if I was alright.

Outer when did you get back from work? As I was blushing seeing outer in a star dress as she was giggling as Flex ran over he asked how I know outer.

I was blushing bright yellow as I couldn't say so nightmare told flex and loyalty about how I meet outer a long time ago as I crash and rebooting flex was really happy and asked outer everything as I was done rebooting I grab my kids and outer and teleported away.

Flex POV

While father was talking to his best friend I started to text grape I was telling grape about what happened at the shops. As I heard a ping I looked at the text and it said how did it go with his dad best friend I smiled and told grape that my father was blushing yellow.

" do you think father will fined a mother for us to have I really want my father to fine someone that will love and care for. " as I text this to grape I went to lay down I was about to fall asleep when I got another text this time it was BlueMist I looked at the text as it said sleepover on Friday night I said yes I'll be there.

After a while I fell asleep and was in this deep dark void as there was light at the other end so I walked to it as I stoped I seen everyone around the big Sakura tree they all was happy so I join them I was thinking on what was there story's our family story's as I woke up I went to father but he was not at home I got worried and check his bedroom but nothing father was not there I got worried and called ink and the others as they teleported to the house ink asked what happen as I told ink what was going on Geno walked into the room and looked around to see if error left anything.

As I felt father soul cracking I teleported to father and there he was with outer she was doing something to father I used a chains and handcuff outer as father fell down.

" Father!"

I ran to him as father was breathing slowly I teleported back as Geno and ink both ran to father trying to heal him.

As I got up I walked outside knowing that father soul was not doing well as I prayed to the stars to do anything for father to stay alive I sat down as I keep praying.

Until I scream out to the heavens.


I couldn't take it I teleported away I felt more pain in my soul I used my strings to wrap around monster and people souls as I couldn't stop killing.

But when I was about to summon my blasters at the  houses I had error signs all around me.


Error was resting but his son was going on a rampage he is feeling his father soul hurting and Flex dose not know how to control his power's yet so I teleported to him and used my shield to protect the houses.

" Flex your father is alright he is breathing we can go home and see him now. We healed him up your father is asking for you. Please stop Flex!!"

As I walked to Flex he fell into my arm's and started to cry I noticed that flex had error like strings running down his face. So much like his father we teleported back as error ran to us and hugged his son.

I went to nightmare as moonlight and midnight asked if they could have a night out with there friends we said alright as the kids got all there stuff and tents we told them to be safe as flex didn't want to go but moonlight was going he really didn't want her to go but he ran after her as moonlight hugged him.

I nuzzled into nightmare as I rub my belly I forgot to tell nightmare and the kids that I'm going to have another child. 

When they come back I'll tell them about it.

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