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Cray POV

As me and cill went to the park we seen Flo and I ran up to her and hugged her she hugged back but as I was about to say hi to her friend or sister they said what you doing with a kid that can't do the right things.

I just looked away I hate being special I wish I didn't have this as my happiness just went away Flo grab my hand and left with me and cill I was a little thankful that she chose to hang out with us.

As me and my brother was playing tag with Flo I managed to get my foot stuck in a log as Flo and cill looked and pulling off the brake off the log so I can be free.

Once I was free my bro and Flo payed for ice cream and walked back to our mother house.

Inky POV

I smiled at cill and cray they Finley made a friend that won't hurt them as they stoped and ran to me and hugged me Flo looked and waited I open my arm's for her and she smiled and ran to me and hugged me.

Then I felt a kick she also felt it I smiled as cill and cray put there hands on my belly as they felt the baby kick.

Mummy when is baby bro or sis going to be here ?

Very soon my child why don't I sit down and use can rub and talk to her / him they had stars in there eye's and I sat down as they started to run and talk to my belly.

I noticed that cray was crying so I picked him up and asked what's wrong.


As cray was crying I heard him say whenever I grow up so you think I'll find my soulmate as I was listening to there talk I couldn't help but smiled but also know that's it's only 9/10 percent that he will get a soulmate because off his special needs.

But I don't care about that I'll do anything to stay with him.

While I felt the little kicks the baby's where doing I smiled at how tiny they going to look like.

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