Muffet planed

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Cray POV

Today is the day I'll asked out Flo but as I was looking for her in the library her friend's said some mean stuff to me as I sigh but then gothy to them to get out and they did as Flo walked up to me and held my hand.

F-Flo can I asked you something as she nodded her head softly I took a breath in then out.

Flo I've been having feelings for you and I Was wounding if you'll want to be my girlfriend it's okay I understand that you don't want to.


I smiled and pulled cray into a loving kiss he kissed me back and I part our kissing to take some air and said yes !

My friend's laugh at me for even saying yes to him then I seen a jock my old bf I held onto cray and he noticed.

As my ex walked to us he pushed cray away from me as I got angry and punch my ex into the wall as my blasters keep him pin.

Then cray looked at me and ran off crying because off want Lin said I was shocked as I ran after cray.

But when I found him his brother cill gave me a look off hate and anger I was not lie about us I ran over to him and kissed cray again crying into tears.

Cill POV

I was still upset for what Flo friend's had done to my brother he is more then a special need skeleton he is amazing at everything and he helps a lot off other monsters around our school.

As I seen Flo she ran up and kissed him deeply as she was crying just maybe I can forgive her and her friend's just this once's.

While helping my brother we both walked to our father class room as we waited for him.

Nightmare POV

I got my things for class today and I walked in to see my two sons but cray looked so happy that Flo said yes to him. I was happy about this.

Pj and fresh ran in saying we are not late right ?

Nope you are on time I said to them as I waited for everyone to get here I told them that we are going out to do some history project and they all said yaya  as I smiled I noticed that muffet was in here she just wanted to hang out with the class but I have this bad feeling.

As we went out to the blossom tree's I seem cray and the other's smiling and talking about the project as I was happy.

I sat down with the other's as I watched them and I noticed they where putting the blossom petals on the project I couldn't wait to see them and the project on what they did.

While they where to busy I told muffet to watch the kids while I'll go to the bathroom as I went to the bathroom I didn't see the shadow right behind me it hit me on the back off the head and everything went black.

Inky POV

I got a call from dream and my kids I ran to where Nightmare hospital room was with our two little twin's as I sat down and waited I was holding moonlight and dream was holding midnight.

As I seen Nightmare wake up I hugged him and kissed him but then he said to his sister dream who is this and why you holding a baby?

I was shocked everyone was the nurse and doctors told him that I was his wife and there's are his kid's I seen that look before as I noticed Dream she told me to go home and she will talk to Nightmare.

Come on kid's lets get going see you at home Nighty.


Me and fresh already had a house to ourselves we are all ready married and have two sons and one on the way but what I heard was terrible to me Nightmare had lost his memories and my mother is heartbroken.

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