Chapter 44: The Flame Hashira Chronicles

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"It should have some information about Sun Breathing, my father had to get the information from somewhere," Kyojuro said.

Tanjiro opened the book with Shoto watching over his shoulder to get a glimpse at it himself. When they got a first look, what was in it made both their eyes widen and Tanjiro gasped in shock.

"What? Look at this!"

"What happened?" Senjuro asked as he moved behind Tanjiro to get a better look.

"Is everything okay?" Kyojuro asked. When Tanjiro showed the torn-up book to Kyojuro, his face morphed into shock like the rest of them. "How did that happen?"

"It's ripped to shreds, I can't read it," Tanjiro said

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"It's ripped to shreds, I can't read it," Tanjiro said. "Was it like this when he got it?"

"Not at all, that's not even possible," Senjuro answered. "The Flame Hashira Chronicles are stored with the highest degree of care."

"Which means it must have been Father who tore them," Kyojuro concluded. "I hope you'll forgive us."

"Don't worry, it's not like it's anyone's fault, at least the ones in this room," Tanjiro said. "So don't beat yourself over it."

"Hold on, only about 16 pages were ripped apart," Shoto said. "Can I try and read it?"

"Uh, sure," Tanjiro passed the book over to Shoto, who looked at the pages carefully.

"There are some details I can pick out, but they're not connected since parts of the pages are missing," Shoto said. "But other than the ones at the center, the others are pretty intact."

"That's something, at least," Senjuro said.

"It looks like there's something about a conversation between the Flame Hashira and a swordsman of Sun Breathing," Shoto said. "It's not exactly clear what the beginning of their conversation was about since it was torn, but it looks like it started with the topic of his confrontation with Muzan."

"He... confronted Muzan?" Kyojuro asked.

"The Sun Breathing user, yes," Shoto clarified. "There's a part here that I'm confused about, so I'll read it out so we can make some sense."

He continued to share how he could hear the bamboo splitting and falling a considerable distance from behind him. He could tell a single scratch could possibly kill him, making him feel a chill down his spine for the first time ever. What baffled me was when he told me he was able to discern that he had seven hearts and five brains. I don't know how, but he said he was able to complete his sword forms, even though they were nearly perfect before.

"Complete his sword forms?" Tanjiro asked.

"That's what I'm confused about," Shoto said.

"Is there anything after that could explain?" Kyojuro asked.

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