New Kid In Town

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Braeden PoV

Braeden had been at camp for three years.

He yearned for a quest. Braeden's biggest dream was to compete in the Linnie's. Only demigods who have truly proved their honor could compete in the Linnie's.

Each God chooses a child that they think have demonstrated true glory throughout the summer to compete in the ultimate test of strength, hand to hand combat in an arena designed by the gods, no one dies of course the first rule is no maiming (just like capture the flag) but they fight till the other contestants give up. Last year Snow son of Athena's goddess of battle strategy landed on top.

Braeden was sulking on a picnic bench in the quad between the cabins when he saw Selena daughter of Aphrodite and Allie, daughter of Dionysus and the head councilor of CHB. This was because her father was cursed by zeus to run the camp. Although Dionysus was unhappy with his role,  Allie was quite happy with the responsibility her father gave her. she was also happy to have him around, a luxury most demigods didn't have. The two girls were talking in hushed tones, these two were known for their gossip but braeden had a prophetic feeling (thanks to his father) that this discussion was more serious than their typical topics of the relationships around camp.

"My father spoke with him today... Chiron thinks he's the one." Allie whispered in hushed tones.

"the one?" Selena questioned.

"you know.." Allie glanced around to see if anyone was listening, luckily for braeden she didn't notice him. "the great prophecy."

selena nodded in understanding.

Braeden was a child of Apollo god of prophecy, so it was strange that he had absolutely no idea what they were talking about.

"do you think he really fought the minotaur?" Selena asked.

"My dad wouldn't lie about that, he'd lie about a lot of things, but never to give anyone undeserved credit." Allie explained. "plus... I saw the horn."

the girls whispered intensely about the famous new arrival to camp. Braeden had heard the rumors, by now everyone knew about the events on half blood hill the night before. A twelve year old boy, Percy Jackson had defeated the minotaur and Braeden was pissed.

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