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It had been a little over a day since the trio left camp, after the long bus trip they had finally arrived at the Florida.

"Finally Florida sun!" Ally smiled as she stepped off the bus.

the trio made their way into the Florida welcome center and stood in line for the freshly squeezed orange juice.

"Does freshly squeezed orange juice have pulp?" Braeden asked.

"Yeah, That's like the whole point." Ally answered.

"Ew." Braeden replied.

"Any chance you could make this a Mimosa?" Allie asked the little old lady at the counter.

"How old are you young lady?" The worker asked in a deep southern accent, knowing there was no way Allie was twenty one. 

"This is America, you have no right to ask me that." Allie firmly stated.

"Fair enough." the worker replied as she poured a bit of champagne into the girls orange juice.

"aaand that's how its done in Florida." Allie said with a fake southern accent.

"Just orange juice for us please." Ally told the worker.

"do you really think you should be drinking on a quest?" Braeden asked Allie.

"Listen, i'm here to represent my father, and enjoying a mimosa made from freshly squeezed Florida orange juice is exactly what he would do." she said simply.

"Fair enough." Ally nodded as they walked out of the welcome center.

the wind blew fiercely, like it was angry.

"huh the weather channel inside said light breezes all day..." Ally said.

"this is not what i'd consider light." Braeden replied.

"huh no one else seems to notice.." Allie added, watching the mortals that surrounded them.

"whatever this is... I have a feeling it's from our world." Ally said nervously.

THE STORM CHURNED INTO A MINIATURE HURRICANE. Funnel clouds snaked toward the sidewalk like the tendrils of a monster jellyfish.
Kids screamed and ran for the building.

Allie's mimosa flew out of her hand. "Ugh zeus must be so pissed with me!" she grumbled. She tried to chase after the cup, to prevent littering, but the wind held her back.

Ally surveyed her surroundings, "this seems like..." she thought out loud but was stopped by three tourists materializing into "anemoi thuellai!" Ally shouted.

"Bless you?" Braeden questioned.

"Storm spirits!" Ally exclaimed.

The tourists were composed of swirling black vapor, their eyes like electrical sparks in a living storm cloud. They sprouted black smoky wings and rose above the sidewalk.

Braeden instinctively took out his lyre while Allie and Ally swung their weapons at the storm spirits to no avail.

Braeden began strumming cords, he didn't know where this song was coming from, but he knew he needed to play it. It was the same feeling he had when he used to get prophetic visions.


Allie and Ally stopped fighting with the storm spirits and turned to Braeden.

"LAAAA LA LA LAAA LA LA LAAAA!" Suddenly it sounded like all of nature was singing with him. the storm spirits calmed, and so did the wind.

"How did you do that?" Allie asked.

"I don't know, something told me to start playing my lyre and then-" Braeden attempted to explain.

"I've heard of this before, demigods and satyrs using music to control the natural world." Ally explained cutting Braeden off. "I guess when Apollo gifted you that lyre he gave you a lot more than a lyre."

"I guess so." Braeden said in disbelief.

"um storm spirits before you uh head back can you take a message for mr. zeus please?" Allie smiled sweetly at the monsters.

"YES!!!" The center storm spirit bellowed.

"Tell Zeus that I apologize for my impertinence and that I am honored and grateful to provide glory to my father by going on this quest. And please thank Apollo from us for his lovely gift of magical weather controlling music.  Tell the olympians that we appreciate the challenges they've sent us and are greatful for how they've prepared us for the rest of our journey." Allie said with a fake smile.

Ally could tell that she didn't really mean her apology but, the gods wouldn't notice her insincerity.

"I WILL LET THEM KNOW!!" The spirit said with a booming voice before vanishing into the now sunny blue sky.

"That was the right thing to do." Ally told Allie.

Allie nodded in response.

"Hopefully they'll send less after us and we'll only have to deal with the monsters guarding Disney world." Ally said hopefully.

The trio made their way back onto the bus that they had grown to hate.

"ughhh this bus stinks." Allie complained.

"Hey look on the bright side, the smell will mask our demigod smell so hopefully no more monsters till we get to Orlando." Ally said optimistically.

"And hopefully Zeus is off my back." Allie half heartedly laughed.

Ally noticed Braeden staring down at his magic lyre.

"You know I bet that can do more than just control the weather." Ally theorized. "Like maybe a real protection charm." She continued.

"not just Judas by Lady Gaga." Braeden said earning a small laugh from the group.

"Imagine playing it while singing consensus, you might just achieve world peace!" Allie joked causing the trio to laugh.

"I bet it would be great in the Linnie's." Ally added.

"After all this we better all get picked for the linnie's." Braeden stated triumphantly.

"Speak for yourself, I will be happily planning the Linnies party and staying away from the combat, i've had enough combat for the whole summer in the past twenty four hours." Allie joked.

The bus was about an hour away from Orlando.

"Finally almost there!" Ally said happily.

"So what's the plan once we get to Orlando?" Braeden asked.

"Check into our hotel, All star Movies, then go from there i guess." Allie answered.

Ally had a bad feeling about All Star Movies, and the feeling wasn't because it's the cheapest hotel on property. She couldn't shake the feeling that once they passed under the Disney World sign, things would get a lot harder.

A/N sorry for short chapter Wifi is bad and chatgpt isn't working.

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