We Teach a Yeti to Disco 💃🪩

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a/n IDK what's going on with font size in this chapter and i don't know how to fix it :/
a/n nvm i fixed it. try turning it off and on again :)

the trio made the superior choice of using the single rider line on expedition everest, it made their walk through the attraction much faster.

The trio got up to the line and got into their 'mine carts'

"Hey do you guys find it weird that we're the only ones in this minecart?" Allie asked, but was quickly cut off by the ride beginning. The carts swiftly moved around corners and up small hills. It began its slow descent up the fake mountain, giving the trio a view of the park. It turned into a dark cave.

The ride emerged at the top of the mountain which was littered with hair-ties. At the end of the track the railroad appeared to be broken, Allie had been to Disney World before and knew not to be worried just yet.

The ride stopped for a few seconds before descending backwards into a cave.

Allie had been on the ride before, she knew they were supposed to see the shadow of the yeti braking more railroad tracks and changing their direction so they'd be outside again.

It came time for the Yeti to change the tracks, yet the trio remained inside the cave.

Ally and Allie exchanged worried looks.

"That's not supposed to happe-" Ally started but was quickly cut off.

The trio heard a Ferocious "RAWER!!!!"

A tall hairy yeti appeared. He had big claws, white fur and a key hanging around his neck.

"Look at the stars in the big black ink! tell me what you feel and tell me what you think is it cold outside? is it could out?" The Yeti stated in a deep voice, which greatly confused Allie, Ally and Braeden.

"For some reason I want to give him my dablooons.. i mean dracmas." Ally said.

"um hello mr Yeti! My names Allie and this is Ally and Braeden!" Allie said introducing the group.

The yeti stared blankly at the young demigods.

"We're uh on a quest you see! for a key! the one on your neck!" Braeden explained.

"KEYYY" The Yeti bellowed.

"Everyone wants key. No one wants Yeti." The Yeti said sadly.

"no we don't just want the key we want to see you too obviously..." Allie tried to save the conversation.

"Nobody likes me." The Yeti started.

"Well that's not-" Ally tried.

"Everyone's afraid of me..."

"We're not afraid!" Allie tried to butt in again.

"It's because i am WEEIIIIIRD." the Yeti cried.

"No, no it's okay you're not weird... you just haven't found your niche yet!" Allie attempted.

"Niche?" The Yeti questioned.

"Yeah your niche!" Allie thought for a moment. "These strobe lights are funky, kinda like uh uh a party!" Allie said, thinking out loud.

"Party?" The Yeti questioned."

"Yes a party! What was that little thing you were saying earlier about the stars?" Allie asked the beast.

"My poetry!" The Yeti said excitedly. "No one asks about my poetry." the Yeti exclaimed.

"Of course! Poetry! You know poetry could easily be turned into song!" Braeden said, as he caught on to Allie's plan.

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