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Ally POV

Ally sat in between her friends Allie and Braeden. This was the worst quest she's ever been on, which is saying something.

They had been on the bus for 8 hours, no monsters, no nymphs and no gods. Absolutely nothing. Ally thought it was too good to be true.

"I have a bad feeling." Ally said breaking through the silence.

"Me too.." Allie responded "this has been too easy."

"Any kinda predictions?" Ally asked Braeden.

"Nothing.. it's just blank, like my connections being cut off..." He replied.

"I'm worried about the kids.." Ally admitted. "I thought coming on this quest would take my mind off of their quest, but so far i've had a lot of time to think." Ally sighed.

The bus pulled into a bus stop. An older lady with long dark hair creeped onto the bus. She started at ally, her eyes baring into her soul, as if she could see all her fears. The women creeped towards the trio.

"Do you guys see that lady?" Ally asked.

"Yeah she is definitely not human.." Allie said nervously. "do you have your lyre?" she asked braeden.

"I never go anywhere without it." Braeden smiled.

"Know any uh protective songs?" Ally asked.

"uhh sure." Braeden replied he began to pluck a tune that sounded oddly familiar to ally.

the lady slowly approached three trio. "Hi kids." She sneered.

"EEEK!" Braeden screamed as he dropped his lyre, attracting the attention of the passengers around them. Braeden seemingly cowered in fear at his lyre. Ally took note of it but elected to ignore it, she had to figure out who or what this lady was.

"I hear you're going to Orlando.." what a coincidence!" she sneered. Shooting a glare towards Allie.

"GUYS?!? GUYS?!??" Allie shouted. "COME ON THIS IS NOT FUNNY!" She continued to yell.

"she can't see us.." Ally thought out loud. "It's Illusions! you're Atë goddess of wisdom and mischief!" Ally stated. "what do you want with us?" She asked the goddess.

"to kill you before you can get to disney world." The goddess stated.

"not on my watch." Ally said as she grabbed Allie by the shoulders. "ITS JUST AN ILLUSION!" she shouted, trying to shake her friend out of her trance.

"Woah you're back!! oh my gods that was creepy." Allie said.

"It's Atë goddess of mischief she's trying to get us off track." Ally explained. "Distract her while i get him." Ally told Allie nodding her head towards Braeden.

"uhh okay. so uh goddess of mischief huh... what do you think of Loki in the marvel movies?" Allie asked.


Ally nodded, thinking that this conversation would keep the goddess occupied she turned her attention towards Braeden.

"Braeden it's an illusion we need that protective song of yours right about now." She said to him.

Braeden like Allie was pulled out of his illusion and began to replay the song, that oddly sounded like 'Judas' by lady GaGa.

Ally nodded towards Allie, their symbol form the last quest for Allie to continue to distract while Ally went in for the kill


"A protection song!" Allie stated quickly. "One given to us from the olympians themselves, to protect us from lesser gods like you!" Allie jeered.

Atë paused her movement "How could that be.. when the olympians sent meEEEEEEEE!" Atë screeched as Ally stabbed her dagger into her. She exploded into a burst of dust.

"Huh so that went uh well." Braeden said trying to break the tension.

"was that song really a protective charm?" Ally asked.

"Truthfully no... it was Judas by Lady GaGa" braeden answered.

"Huh, I knew it sounded familiar... at least it worked" Ally said.

"Guess Atë isn't a GaGa fan." Allie laughed.

"Can we go back to Atë saying the Olympians sent her..." Braeden asked.

the trio sat in silence for a moment.

"Yeaaah that might be my fault." Allie piped up.

The other two looked at her quizzically.

"I may have uh, complained... called the quest simple.. just general ungratefulness." Allie continued. She sighed. "Luke was right.. they're not going to look out for us, even though if it weren't for them we wouldn't be here in the first place." she sighed.

"hey uh while we're sharing..." Braeden started. "what happened to that girl on your last quest... you never talk about her." he asked hesitantly.

"she was eaten by a giant frog..." Ally said.

"but it's okay we found out that we're a good team from it, I distract while Ally does all the fighty stuff." Allie explained.

"yeah we make a good team and all, but let's not brush over the fact that you offended the gods." Ally said with a glare towards allie.

"come on what would you do in my situation, always being used as collateral against your dad." Allie complained.

"I wouldn't be so stupid to badmouth the gods in the safe haven camp they built for us!" Ally said her voice getting raised.

"BUILT SO THEY DIDNT HAVE TO DEAL WITH US!" allie yelled. "BESIDES you had your fair share of things to say about them after our last quest, so much so that you gave up your head councilor position." Allie continued.

"LOW BLOW!" Ally shouted back.

the girls paused when they heard slow clapping coming from braeden, the claps began to speed up.

"Ooooh golly, the roads gettin bumpy cause i got me some friends who just can't get along! oh dear, when the teams getting grumpy, the truck to gettin through it is singing this song!" Braeden sang.

"Come on braeden that hasn't worked on us since we were kids." Ally said with a laugh.

"but your laughing instead of yelling at each other!" Braeden said smugly.

"Huh.. I guess so." Ally noticed.

"the consensus song always works!" Braeden said with a smile.

"you know the younger campers have started singing it at each other. Just the other day two hermes boys started it during dinner."

The trio laughed and shared stories about camp as the bus continued down the road to Orlando.

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